Anthony Trujillo - It Was Me

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**A/N all Spanish is from Google Translate, I'm sorry if it isn't correct. Translations are in bold

You and y/b/f (your best friend) had recently joined Team Ten. You immediately hit it off with the Martinez Twins, being as you were of Spanish decent, so you could speak Spanish with them. But you and Emilio got super close, closer than you and Ivan.

It didn't take long before everyone in the house, even y/b/f, started shipping you with Emilio.

The problem was, you didn't like Emilio that way. You had a crush on someone else. He was a little older than you, but you didn't care. Something about Anthony Trujillo just struck your heart, and you couldn't get him out of your head.

One morning, you woke up to find a vase of flowers beside your bed. You smiled as you sat up, and took the card that was sitting between the flowers.

Something beautiful for a beautiful girl. -Anonymous

Your face blushed, and you got up to start the day. You got up and quickly took a shower and got dressed, and exited to see y/b/f sitting on your bed, reading the card. When they noticed you, they looked up.

"It's probably from Emilio," was the first thing to come out of their mouth. "I ship it so hard."

You rolled your eyes. "I'm sure it's not from Emilio." A small part of you was hoping that it was from Anthony, but you knew that couldn't be the case. "Besides, I don't think Emilio knows what anonymous means."

y/b/f rolled their eyes. "I'll go ask him."


They sighed. "Fine."

You went downstairs, and you saw Emilio sitting on the edge of the trampoline. It didn't take long for you to learn to tell the difference between the twins.

"¿Me enviaste flores?" you asked. Did you send me flowers?

He shook his head. "¿No porque?" No, why?

"Alguien lo hizo, pero no sé quién." Someone did, and I don't know who.

"Hey guys," Anthony said as he came down the stairs. "Hola mis amigos." Hello my friends.

You rolled your eyes. "Anthony, stop pretending you know Spanish."

He chuckled. "Fine. What are you guys talking about? If you don't mind me asking."

You sat beside Emilio on the edge of the trampoline. "Someone sent me flowers, I have no idea who it was."

He nodded and lightly rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, uh... That was, um... That was me."

Your heart began to flutter. Anthony sent you the flowers? He called you beautiful? "Really?"

He nodded again. "Yeah, uh, I... I um, I kinda sorta um... Like you. But everyone ships you with Emilio-"

"You think I care about that?" You stood up and walked over to him, and hugged him. "I like you too, Anthony."

He smiled and wrapped his arms around you tightly. "Really?"

You nodded. "Yeah, really. Wanna go out sometime?"

He nodded. "Definitely."

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