Jake Paul - Concert

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You were so excited. You had finally gotten to release your first album, and you were going on tour. Your first concert was, of course, in Los Angeles. You had brought your close friend Jake Paul backstage with you, and Tessa was there too since she was one of your background dancers.

"y/n I need to tell you something," Jake said as he grabbed your arm. "I need to tell you before you leave for your tour." He had a pleading look in his eyes and he held onto your arm tightly.

You sighed but nodded, turning to face him. "Can you just make it quick? I have to be on stage," you said, trying not to be rude. "Can we just talk after?"

"I can't stay for the whole thing," he said as he gently reached his hands up to take your face in his hands. "y/n, I'm in love with you."

You froze. Your heart began to beat even faster than it already was, you had no idea what to say. You'd never thought of Jake as anything more than a friend, but maybe because you'd never thought about it.

"I don't expect you to feel the same, I just needed to tell you," he said as he let go of your face. "You'll probably be too big for Team Ten when you get back, which means this might be it. I just needed you to know."

Your stomach felt like it was doing flips. You opened your mouth to say something, but no words came out.

"y/n," a security guard said as they walked up behind you. "y/n, it's time for you to take the stage."

Jake looked at you, tears beginning to glaze his eyes. "y/n please say something."

You had no idea what to say. Before you knew you'd said anything, you said, "I have to go." You heard the cheering of your fans, some of them chanting your name, and sighed. "I have a job to do, Jake." You turned and headed off towards the stage, taking your microphone when you passed the sound station. Once you were on the stage, you turned to look at Jake but saw him walking away.

Your heart began to beat even faster as you watched him walk away. He was your best friend, you loved him, and he wasn't even going to stay for your first ever concert. You began to panic as you saw him walk away, and you called out, "I have something I need to say."

Everyone turned to face you. This was not planned whatsoever, you were supposed to say an intro for a song. "Someone in this stadium has opened my mind tonight, showed me something I didn't think was possible." You turned to look backstage again. "Jake Paul, get out here!"

Jake stopped and slowly turned to face you. You both knew you weren't supposed to be doing this,but you didn't care. He slowly started walking over to you. The fans cheered even louder when he got on the stage.

You took Jake by the hands and looked into his eyes. "Jake, I was scared. You told me you love me, and I was scared. You're my best friend. I never imagined being with you, I thought it was impossible. But I want to make it possible." You saw a smile start to form on his lips, which just made you smile, too. "Jake, I wanna be with you."

Jake closed the distance between the two of you and pressed his lips to yours in a gentle but passionate kiss. You stayed like that for a moment as the cheering somehow got even louder, until you pulled away.

"You've got a show to put on," Jake said with a smile. "Don't disappoint your fans."

You nodded as you smiled again. "I love you."

"I love you too," he said as he gave you a peck on the cheek, then ran off the stage.

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