Emilio Martinez - First (SMUT)

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You were so nervous. You and your boyfriend, Emilio, decided to set a date for when you would sleep together for the first time. And that date came. You'd planned exactly how it as gonna go, the two of you were going out to dinner, then you were going to a hotel.

You were so nervous. You were dressed for the date, wearing an all blue outfit that Tessa and Erika spent nearly four hours helping you shop for.

You were pacing all around your room, listening to the click of your heels on the hardwood as you waited for Emilio. You jumped a little when you heard the knocking on the door, but quickly opened it and smiled at him. He was wearing a suit with a tie, and he looked so handsome. You couldn't believe this guy was all yours.

Emilio looked at you for a moment before holding out his arm to you. "You look beautiful," he said as you looped your arm in his.

You smiled and followed as he led you down the stairs. "Thank you. You look handsome."

He smiled at you as you exited the house. Emilio had gotten a limo for the two of you for the night, so you got in and the door closed behind you.


Emilio was opening the door to the hotel room. He didn't look to be nervous at all, but you were a wreck on the inside. What if it went terribly? What if something bad happened? What if you got pregnant? You weren't ready to be a mother yet, and you doubted that Emilio was, either.

"y/n?" Emilio asked. He was turned to you, holding the door open with the keycard in his hand. "Are you okay?"

You nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm okay," you said as you walked past him, into the room.

He followed you, closing the door behind himself. "y/n, we do not have to do this."

"I know," you said. "I want to. I'm just nervous, you know?"

He nodded as he took your hands in his. "I am nervous too. But we can go slowly, okay?"

You nodded and smiled, giving him a tight hug. "I love you."

"I love you too." He pulled away from you just a little bit, so he could press his lips against yours. You kissed him back, and the two of you locked in a passionate kiss until he pulled away to breathe.

You smiled at him and took his hand. "Come on, let's go lay down." You led him to the bed and quickly took off your shoes before sitting down on the edge. Emilio also started taking off his shoes, and when he untied his tie you grabbed the two ends and used them to pull him over to you. You smiled again as you pulled him down into another kiss.

The next couple of minutes were a blur to you. You lost yourself in your mind; you weren't focusing on what was happening around you. You were focused on the guy you were with. The handsomest, sweetest, funniest, most loving guy you'd ever met. He was all yours.

When you brought yourself back to reality, you realized that during your daze not only had Emilio lost half of his suit, but you'd lost your dress. How zoned out were you?

You made quick work of taking off Emilio's belt, making sure to brush your hand against his bulging crotch whenever you got the chance. You pulled his pants down, and you saw how big the bulge actually was. "Wow."

Emilio laughed as he closed the distance between you both. He attached his lips to your neck and began to suck on it, and you let out a moan when he sucked on a certain spot.

You lost yourself again. This amazing guy had chosen you, of all people. Somehow, you were lucky enough to be Emilio Martinez's girlfriend. He wanted you.

"y/n?" Emilio's voice brought you out of the clouds, and you looked at him. "Are you okay?"

You nodded and smiled at him. "Just thinking about how mucky I am." You lightly grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer so you could connect your lips to his, while your other hand slid slowly down his body and began playing with his erection through his boxers.

When he noticed what you were doing, he wasted no time before pulling down the boxers, removing your underwear as well, and attaching himself to your neck again. He slowly traveled downwards, down your neck and over your breasts, down to your stomach. He lifted himself above you, resting his bulging muscles on either side of you, as he positioned himself at your entrance.

"Are you ready?" he asked you. When you nodded, he slowly eased himself into you.

You felt a couple different things. You felt pain, but also pleasure. You felt nervous, but also excited. But most of all, you were happy. Finally, you and the guy you loved were totally giving all of yourselves to each other. Once you had adjusted and the pain went away, you nodded. "Okay, you can move."

He slowly began moving, sliding himself inside of you. You let out a moan as you wrapped your arms around him. He continued thrusting in and out of you as you connected your lips to his.

You let out a rather loud moan when he hit a certain spot inside you. "Right there," you moaned as you thrusted against him, trying to get him in deeper.

He hit the spot again and again, making you become a complete moaning mess. You couldn't find any words when you felt a knot forming in your stomach. Though you'd never done this before, you knew that it meant you were about to release.

"y/n," Emilio moaned your name as he kissed your neck and continued to hit that perfect spot inside you. "I am close."

You moaned as he thrusted again. "S-Same," you stuttered out.

Within the next ten seconds, Emilio released inside of you. The feeling of warmth and pleasure it gave you sent you over the edge, and you released as well. You both rode out your highs, and then Emilio pulled out of you.

He collapsed beside you, panting. "That was amazing," he said between deep breaths.

You nodded as you turned on your side to face him. The soreness was already starting to set in, but you didn't care. "I agree," you said.

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