Ivan Martinez - Confused

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Ivan's POV

Ivan had been watching y/n and Emilio all day. Not in a creepy way, but in a making sure his brother didn't try to steal his girlfriend way. They'd been attached by the hip practically all day, and she'd even given him a kiss on the cheek. He got so insanely jealous, it wasn't even funny.

Anthony walked up to Ivan and noticed that he was staring at the two. "You okay?" he asked.

Ivan sighed. "Yes, I am just... A little jealous."

Anthony chuckled. "Aww. Go talk to her, she is your girlfriend."

He shook his head. "Then she will think I do not want her hanging out with anyone." He looked at you and Emilio swimming in the pool and sighed. He turned to go inside, when something you said caught his attention.

"Emilio!" y/n yelled. "Come control your brother!"

And then it hit him. She thought that Emilio was him. It was so funny, he almost wanted to laugh. He turned and walked over to the pool. "y/n," he said, pointing to his brother. "That is Emilio."

His girlfriend looked at him, confusion in her eyes. "No, that's Ivan. I've been with Ivan all day."

Emilio looked at y/n. "You thought I was Ivan?"

Anthony started laughing from where Ivan had been standing just a moment earlier. "This is great," he said between laughs.

y/n looked at Ivan. "Oh my god, babe, I'm so sorry." She quickly swam over to the edge of the pool and got out, wrapping her towel around herself before hugging him. "I'm so, so sorry."

"It is okay," Ivan said as he hugged her tightly. He looked over her shoulder, at his brother, to see that he was just as confused and amused as he was.

"I am sorry too," Emilio said. "I did not know, I swear."

Ivan nodded, keeping one of his arms around you. "I believe you." He pulled you closer to him. "We will have to say who we are next time," he said with a laugh.

y/n looked down at her feet. Ivan noticed and brought her across the yard, so they could talk alone.

"y/n what is wrong?" he asked her quietly. "I am not mad at you."

She looked at him. Her eyes were red with tears, which felt like e had been punched. He hated seeing her cry. It always felt like he did everything wrong. "I-I've been flirting with your brother all day and I feel terrible about it. I swear, I honestly thought it was you."

He gently placed his hand beneath her chin, to make her look at him. "y/n, it is okay. Everyone makes mistakes."

You hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry."

He hugged you back just as tight. "It is okay, y/n. We'll just have to teach you to tell the difference between us."

You smiled. "Okay."

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