Anthony Trujillo - Scars

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Things were going great for you for a long time. You'd been feeling so much better. It was great, until the day the Lagoon was refilled. Tessa and Erika begged you to go swimming with them, but you told them you couldn't. You couldn't find your bathing suit, and you always wore a certain kind to cover some scars on your leg. They did not know that.

"Just wear one of mine," Tessa said, encouraging you.

You knew you weren't going to win the fight. Maybe they wouldn't notice, maybe you could avoid giving them a chance to see it. "Fine." you sighed.

She smiled and grabbed a bathing suit from her dresser for you, then you went to the bathroom to change. "I'll meet you outside," you said before closing the door.

Once you were changed, you practically ran downstairs. You were almost out the back door when you heard someone say, "hey, y/n!"

You stopped walking and inwardly sighed. You held your towel down to cover your scars, and turned to face your boyfriend. "Yeah?"

He walked over to you and hugged you lightly. "Where are you going? I thought maybe we could watch a movie or something?"

You chuckled. "I wish I could, but Tessa and Erika are making me go swimming with them."

"Pleeease stay inside with me?" he asked. "You're always with Tessa and Erika, I just want a couple hours."

"I'm with you every night."

"When we're sleeping."

You sighed. "Let me talk to them about it."

He shook his head and took your towel from you. Your eyes widened when you realized he'd uncovered your scars. "I'll talk to them." He went to put the towel on the counter behind you, but paused when he looked down. "What happened to your leg?" he asked.

You froze. You'd never told anybody about your dark days, not even Anthony. You were afraid of what their reactions would be. "I-I-um-what scars?"

He bent down so he could look at the scars. "They look pretty old."

You were trying not to cry. You knew it was stupid to hide it, you'd have to tell eventually, but you just weren't ready yet. "Um..." You stood there for a moment, trying to think of something to say, before you just turned and bolted to the stairs. You were upstairs before you knew it, and threw the door closed behind you.

You knew you were out of time. You'd have to explain yourself. If not in that moment, whenever you went downstairs. You jumped when the door opened again, and Anthony came in, gently shutting the door behind himself.

"What's going on?" he asked. "What are you hiding from me?"

You had to tell him the truth. You knew it was wrong to think up some lie, and if he found out it was a lie he'd never trust you again. You sat down on the edge of your bed and looked up at him, with tears in your eyes. "Anthony, I-I've faced some dark things in my life..."

He sat down beside you, and you both remained silent for a moment before he said, "You didn't get scratched by something, did you?"

You slowly shook your head. "My parents were breaking up, and my friends were fighting, and I had nobody I could turn to. I couldn't take it anymore. I-I wanted it all over-"

He immediately wrapped his arms around you, and you lost the rest of your sentence in a fit of sobs. "It's okay," he whispered in your ear as he held onto you tightly. "It's okay, y/n."

You turned your head so you could speak without it being muffled by his shirt. "I-I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't know if it would make you see me differently..."

He pulled out of the hug and placed his hand on your cheek, to make you look at him. "The only thing it changed is how precious each moment with you is to me. Of course, it was already the most important thing to me, but now... Now that I know it almost couldn't have happened..." He hugged you again, tighter.

"I love you," you cried into his shoulder. You wrapped your arms around him and hugged him tightly, as you let out a loud sob. "I love you so much."

"Those bad days are behind you now," he said quietly into your ear. "I'll make sure it's all good days ahead for you."

You lost yourself in sobs as you just hugged him even tighter.

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