Logan Paul - Puppy (pt. 2)

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It took less than one day for Logan to call you. Apparently, he got your number from Jake, who got it from Tessa. You were meeting him for dinner at his apartment. You were so nervous. Tessa had helped you pick and outfit and get ready, so you at least looked nice, but it did very little to calm you. You had the usual first date jitters.

You knocked on the door, and it was almost immediately opened by Logan. He was wearing a light blue button down shirt with black jeans and vans, and you could've sworn you'd never seen a guy look more attractive.

"Hey y/n," he said, smiling at you. He opened the door wider for you, and the scent of food cooking hit you. You took a sniff of the air as you walked in, and you smiled.

"You cook?" you asked him.

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck. "Part of me wants to say yes to impress you, but I'm gonna tell you the truth. I hired a professional chef. But I can cook a mean meal in the microwave."

You laughed and followed him to the couch, where you both sat down. "I'll keep that in mind." Kong ran onto your lap, and you laughed as you pet the puppy. "Oh hi Kong," you said, laughing as you scratched him.

Logan smiled at you. "You wanna meet Maverick?"

You smiled back at him. "Of course I wanna meet the bird behind the movement."

He laughed and stood up. "I'll be right back." He left the room and came back in a minute later with Maverick perched on his shoulder. The bird squawked, and Logan nodded. "Yeah Maverick I know she looked hot."

You rolled your eyes playfully. You still had Kong in your lap, but you turned your attention to Maverick. You put your arms up in a sort-of V formation and said, "Be a Maverick."

Maverick squawked.

"I didn't think it was possible for me to be more into you," Logan said with a light laugh. "I'm gonna go put him and Kong away, dinner's almost done."

You hugged Kong quickly, then handed him over to Logan. "Bye Kong," you said with a smile before brushing some dog hair off your outfit.

Logan came back a moment later. "Well, the pets like you. That's the first step in a good relationship."

You smiled again. "Relationship, huh?"

He shrugged. "I mean, if this goes well I was planning on asking you out again, and if that goes well I'd out you out again, and eventually it'd be a relationship."

Your face blushed, and you looked around. "So, what's the chef cooking?"

He smiled. "Chicken sautéed with onions."

"Sounds delicious." You sat back on the couch. "If we go out again, I might have to make you my signature dish. Hot dog octopuses. It's a piece of a hot dog, but with four pieces of spaghetti stuck through it to make four legs on each side. I used to make it for my younger siblings all the time."

He chuckled. "That's definitely something I'd have to try."

You smiled at him yet again as a man wearing a big chef's hat came into the living room. "Dinner."

Logan stood and held out his hand to you. "Shall we?"

You smiled and took his hand, standing up. "Let's."

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