Logan Paul - Friendzone

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You looked at the address on your phone, then up at the number on the door in front of you. You were meeting Logan Paul for the first time, for a vlog collab. You were so excited, you loved Logan's vlogs. And you were excited to meet Kong. You knocked on the door and put your phone in your pocket.

The door opened a moment later, to reveal Logan. He smiled and opened the door for you. "y/n!" he said with a large smile. When you were inside he shut the door behind you. "Wow, you're even more beautiful in person."

You smiled and laughed as you turned to face him. "Aw, you're so sweet. Thank you."

He smiled at you, and walked across the room to where Kong was fenced in. He picked up the small pomeranian and brought him over to you. "This is Kong."

Your smile grew as you took the dog from his arms. "He is so much cuter in person!" you said excitedly as you hugged the fluffy puppy. He licked your face a couple times, and you laughed before putting him down.

"Looks like he likes you," Logan said, smiling at you.

"I like him too," you said, petting Kong's head lightly.

Logan nodded. "So, how about we get started on this video?"


A few hours later, you guys were done filming. You were packing up your things and preparing to leave when he said, "hey, y/n?"

You turned to face him. "Yeah?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you uh, wanna go get some dinner? It's on me, as a thank you for helping with the video."

You smiled and nodded. "That sounds great."

He smiled back at you. "Great, let's go." You guys went outside to his car, and he drove to y/f/r (your favorite restaurant). "I uh, I've seen in your vlogs that you like this place," Logan said as you were getting out of the car.

"You saw right," you said as you shut the car door. "It's my favorite." You went inside and were greeted by your best friend, aka your personal waiter. The perks of having your best friend work at your favorite restaurant.

"Ooh," y/b/f (your best friend) said as they looked at you and Logan. "Did y/n bring a date tonight?"

You laughed and rolled your eyes. "No, he's just a friend. He's treating me to dinner for helping him with some vlog stuff."

y/b/f nodded. "Well, right this way." They led you to a table, where you sat down and looked at your menus.

"I've never been here before," Logan said as he looked at the menu. "Is it good?"

You nodded. "In my opinion, it's the best." You closed your menu and put it down, as you already knew what you were getting.

y/b/f came back a couple minutes later and took your orders, leaving just you and Logan.

"So y/n," Logan said, "I've never really seen many guys in your vlogs. Do you have a boyfriend?"

You rolled your eyes. "There's plenty of guys in my vlogs."

"Your brothers don't count."

You chuckled. "Well, no, I don't have a boyfriend. What about you?"

"Do I have a boyfriend?"

You laughed a little more. "A girlfriend. Or a boyfriend, I don't judge."

He chuckled. "Nah, I'm single. On the prowl though, looking for a beautiful, funny, kind-hearted girl. You know any?"

You shrugged. "I can set you up, if you want."

"Like, a blind date? No offence, but no thanks."

You laughed again. The two of you talked until your food came, and once you were finished Logan drove you back to your house.

"I hope I can see you again sometime," Logan said as he pulled into your driveway. "Maybe we could hang out sometime?"

You smiled and nodded. "Yeah, that sounds awesome. Call me sometime." You got out of the car and flashed him one last smile before running into your house. What a day.

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