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[currently unedited - if you see any typos / something's wrong please comment :)]

Nia grunted as she felt her hair being pulled slightly, her hands gripping onto her pants to suppress the curses that were desperate to come out.

She was currently sat in the grey room she had been confined to for the past nine months. In the cell there was a flimsy mattress piled on top of a metal box that stuck out from the wall. The left side of the room, which Harper had claimed as hers, mirrored the right side with the same bed and drawers. Nia was thankful that she had a person to share her cell with. Her friend had told her how lonely it was in there before Nia had moved in. Although the two had never met previously on the Ark, they soon clicked and became close friends.

"Sorry! Sorry." Harper apologised, releasing a few strands of hair from her tight grip. She bit her lip and restarted her work.

"Maybe just don't pull so hard." The brunette complained, adjusting her position, her bottom ached having sat on the uncomfortable hard floor for so long.

Nia lost count of how many times her friend had braided her hair, then undid it all after she claimed it looked awful and repeatedly saying that she'd do it better the next time. The two halted their actions as their cell door slammed open. Nia got herself up from the floor slowly, cautiously eyeing the electric baton held in one of the guards' hands. "Prisoners three twenty one and three twenty three, up against the wall." They stepped forward as the girls backed away from each other, not breaking their nervous eye contact.

The guard, who over time Nia had learned was named Patterson, walked forward and forcefully grabbed her arm causing her to wince. He snapped a metal bracelet around her wrist, and Nia let out a painful gasp as a needle poked it's way through her skin. Patterson proceeded to do the same to the blonde who now stood in the corner panicking. Harper kicked Patterson's leg out in front of him and attempted to run out of the cell, Nia called after her but it was no use. The second guard shot a tranquiliser into her neck and Harper came crashing down to the floor. He placed the wristband onto her and, with the help of another guard, lifted her onto a stretcher.

"Come on." One demanded Nia, pulling on her arm and following the queue of many other prisoners who were all getting dragged in the same direction, they all wore the same wristbands too. A million and one thoughts ran through her head, all making up different scenarios as to why and where they were all going. She came to a ladder and looked to her left at the guard who wore the same stone cold look on his face as usual. "Get in." He ordered, shoving her forward. She huffed and glanced back over her shoulder at him, sending the deadliest glare she could muster, than back up at the ladder as she hesitantly climbed up it.

Nia's head popped up through the hatch as she saw several other teenagers being strapped into chairs, all sharing the same bewildered look. A few had been sedated, like Harper, and unconsciously slouched in their seats with their heads hanging down. Nia took the seat next to Harper and flinched as a guard pulled her restraints a little too tight for her liking. He moved onto the rest of the people who were sat in the same row as her.

Nia glanced up at two boys who looked around the same age as her, and mouthed the words 'what's going on?' the boy who wore the goggles shrugged and lifted his eyes to see what was happening around the dropship. Soon enough, they had strapped everyone in and the doors closed with a loud thud. A few people began raising their voices, talking to each with a hunt of excitement in their voices, but also mixed with a bit of confusion. Nobody really knew what was happening, or even had the faintest idea. Some loud noises were heard, and Nia's stomach felt as if it was rising up through her chest. It was as if they were falling.

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