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Murphy's Law

[currently unedited - if you see any typos / something's wrong please comment :)]

- 1 Year Earlier -

"It's just awful." Flora, Nia's mother sighed as she tried to sew her daughters clothes back together.

"You think you know people, but they just continue to surprise you." Flora's husband Xavier replied, tutting under his breath. They had just found out that two of their good friends had committed a crime and were sentenced to death the next day.

"It wasn't even that bad." Nia scoffed, not agreeing with how the council executed people for the pettiest of crimes. Her parent's ignored her presence and continued their conversation.

"Gosh, I can't imagine how their daughter is dealing with all this. Losing both her parents at just 11." Flora put her work down, not feeling in the mood with all that was going on around her.

Andrew and his wife were floated the next day at 10:45am the next day. They had pleaded with the guards to let them go together into the airlock, Jaha mercifully agreed. Nia had heard the screams of their daughter from the other side of the station, as her parents were sucked into space.

Nia soon found out that the young girl had been sent to lock up, after she assaulted a guard whilst on the way to the redistribution centre with her parents' things.

- Present Time -

Nia sat against a tree, she had a perfect view of the whole camp from her position. Charlotte was in front of her, humming as the older girl braided her hair. "Let's run through it again." She was attempting to teach her friend about the history of earth before the bombs had dropped.

"Catherine of Aragon was his first wife, but he divorced her because she couldn't give him a son." Charlotte repeated from her memory. Nia nodded for her to continue as she lifted a section of the blonde's hair over another. 

Once Nia had finished Charlotte's hair, and she was pleased with the girl's new knowledge of old history, the two got up to help with the wall.

"This section should be finished by tomorrow." Murphy shouted, he stood observing everyone do the work whilst he did nothing himself. "Hey! You think the Grounders are just gonna sit around, and wait for us to finish the wall?" He stomped over when he noticed Connor sitting down, his body exhausted from the hard labour. "Maybe we should let the little girl do the lifting for you, huh?" He nodded towards Charlotte in anger.

"I just need some water, okay? Then I'll be fine." The boy replied, his eyes had dark bags underneath causing him to look older and worn out.

"Murphy, get this guy some water." Bellamy had walked over, hearing Murphy's loud voice from the other side of camp. "Hey, you got this?" The man asked, turned to Charlotte who nodded and then crouched down and struggled to pick up the log. "I'm just kidding." Bellamy grinned as he took the log from her and lifted it up onto his shoulder as if it was nothing.

As the leader turned to carry the log away, Connor let out a yelp behind them. "What the hell is wrong with you, Murphy?" Nia turned and nearly had to hold back a gag at what she saw.

"Jesus, Murphy, you're disgusting." She exclaimed at the boy, who only shrugged and kept a smirk on his face as if what he'd done was actually funny.

"You wanted a water break. Get back to work." Murphy demanded, stepping away and leaving Connor knelt on the ground, his back drenched in piss.

Nia continued with her work, trying to block out the image of what had happened earlier out of her mind. She looked up and saw Octavia and Jasper run back into camp, both had shocked looks on their faces. "You guys okay?" Octavia hesitantly nodded in response. 

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