Deja Vu

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I spent most of the day helping Two-Bit re-paint the front fence. Pony and Johnny stopped by to help for a little while, and we ended up getting into a paint fight. In the end, most of the paint was gone, most of the fence wasn't painted, and most of our bodies were covered in white paint splatters.

Then, we all sat on the front porch drinking lemonade and talking about what we were going to do for the Fourth of July in a few days. Pony explained that every year, they all pitched in some money and drove out to the middle of nowhere, and set off fireworks. I was excited.

"You got anyone special you're bringing to the Fourth Of July party, Pony?" Two-Bit chuckled.

Pony tried to hide a smirk, but I elbowed him with a smile. "You gotta girl?"

"Nah," He looked down at his cup. "She's just a friend."

"Do you want her to be more than that?" I giggled.

He sucked in his cheeks with a smile. "Maybe."

We all laughed. "What's her name? Maybe I know her from school." Johnny slowly started smirking.

Pony shrugged, obviously trying to hide this information we all desired. "Sara."

"That girl in our science class?" Johnny scooted closer to Pony.

Pony nodded. "Hmmm." Johnny hummed. "She's cute, but a little quiet. I thought you liked the more extroverted girls."

"Once you get to know her she's great. She's hilarious and loves all the books I do."

"Looks like Ponys found his other half," Two-Bit smirked as Pony kept his eyes down and played with his fingers.

We were all quiet for a little while, but it wasn't awkward, the sound of the evening filled the void. The sound of frogs croaking and the sound of the crickets and the far-off horn of the train. I noticed Pony staring at the sky. "It's pretty, ain't it?" I looked fondly at the extravagant blossom of color that filled the sky.

"Sure is." He agreed.

We all looked at the white clouds that dotted the horizon, and the ombre colors going from warm and bright slowly to dark and cold. "I dunno what you guys see in the sunsets." Two-Bit chuckled. "Just looks like a sky to me." He got up from his seat and walked into the house.

We didn't have to exchange words to understand what each other were thinking. He didn't get it. He didn't see the beauty of the setting sun, ending the day and bringing the promise of the next one. It almost felt like a secret to me. A secret feeling that not everyone understood. Everyone saw sunsets, but not everyone saw sunsets. Sometimes it felt like Pony, Johnny and I were the only ones in the world who really did see them. But then again, I haven't met a lot of people. Everyone has a story. Everyone has their own life with their own feelings. And I know so little.

Soon, Pony had to go, and Johnny went with him. I went inside and checked the time. About an hour until Dally was going to pick me up. I went upstairs and changed into some shorts and a shirt, with my leather jacket. When I first got it, I didn't like the leather jacket. I felt like I was trying to be someone I wasn't; a greaser. But now, and the longer I'm here, I feel more and more comfortable wearing it. More and more comfortable, being a greaser.

I sat out on the porch and waited. I tapped my foot nervously. I was hoping to god Two-Bit didn't see me get in the car with Dally. As soon as he rolled up, I ran and got in the car. "Drive. Now."

He didn't ask questions until we turned down the next street. "What was that all about?"

"I didn't want Two seeing me get in your car."

"So you didn't tell him?"

It was started to feel more and more like it was something more than a friendship I was hiding from Two-Bit, but I had to act like it didn't bother me. "No. There's no reason to worry him. He and my aunt think I'm going to a friend's."

"Well, in that case, Alex," I smiled slightly at him not using a nickname on me. "Are you ready to have some fun that doesn't include running away to the city and drinking until I get hauled in by the cops?"

I started to feel a lot of Deja Vu like I was making the same mistake I did the first time by trying to have fun with Dally. I just needed some adventure. It's like my veins craved the adrenaline I got when I was around him. I don't know why I can't resist him when I hate everything about him. I'm annoyed by every word that comes out of his mouth, but I love hearing his voice. I shook my head, trying to once again sweep away these irresponsible thoughts.

I hadn't noticed that I had gotten trapped in my train of thought and hadn't answered him. "Now Alex, I know I don't deserve this one bit, but I need you to have an open mind about doing this. Do you trust me?"

His words rang in my ears over and over again: Do you trust me? How could I trust him? Everything in my mind and body didn't trust him. I knew the correct and practical answer would be No, but I guess I've got too much greaser in me now, and I make bad, spontaneous, irresponsible choices.

"Of course," I replied as if I was more sure about it than about that the sun will rise.

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