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It's definitely strange to get a new beginning, my parents convinced everyone at my old school to not say anything about what had happened. The news and media never found out.
To everyone else nothing had happened, i was fine.
We arrive to Fiore academy, it's a pretty big campus, and to what my mom explained about the houses was that the students are separated into dorms, each "house" has 3 dorms, one for middle schoolers, one for high schoolers and another for college students. It was fair to say that there was a reason for which Fiore Academy was one of the best schools in the country.

We go to the office and talk to to principal, after talking to him and getting information on how things work I decide that it would be good for me to stay here.
"Would she have to move into one of the dorms?" Mom asks.
"She doesn't have to, most students prefer to move in but some do choose to just come to the campus every time they need to."
"Lucy, do you want to move in or stay home?" I freeze for a few seconds, the thought if being alone terrifies me, last time i was alone... i shake my head and sigh. "Would i have a room to myself?"
"Unfortunately the high school dorms have to be shared." I shake my head and look down. It wouldn't be that bad... but what if they treat me bad...
I look at my mom with pleading eyes. Can we wait another year? I begged. She knew what i was asking and nodded. "I think Lucy should wait a bit until she can make her way around Fiore."
Principal Makarov nods. "You are welcomed anytime my child."

"It's fine Lucy." Mom says as we get in the car. "It would be better if we gave you some more time to recover," because of the stab wounds on my legs i had bot been able to walk for a while, i was still getting used to walking around, fortunately the stabs to my legs didn't cause any major damage to my legs. I still wasn't fully recovered from that, i also still have nightmares about it.
It haunts me, i sometimes wake up in the middle of the night crying and screaming, during the first few days after i came back i would constantly have nightmares about it, sometimes i would wake up multiple times crying, it was so bad i refused to sleep for days. After a few weeks of therapy it became less constant, i went back to sleeping normally.
Sometimes during the day i would think about it and end up having anxiety/panic attacks about it, anything that reminded me of the incident would make me have panic attacks.
I still need time to recover.

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