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I wake up at night, no nightmares or bad memories, the only thing keeping me awake right now is all the possibilities, i can get excused from being in physical education, i need to be careful in the showers, i can't go swimming with anyone. I need to be careful with everything, one wrong move and a scar could be seen.
I think about what school will be like, how everyone will treat me...

I wake up to Juvia yelling "it's late!"
I sit up and check the time on my phone, it's 7:30 and classes begin at 9:30, i get up just as Juvia rushes towards me, "Hurry up we're going to go get breakfast." She walks to her closet and begins picking out her clothes, i go to my own and get out a simple outfit, a white long sleeved turtle neck and some jeans, i get some combat boots and make my way to the bathroom with them. Juvia sees me and frowns, "you can change here, you shouldn't be shy." She says. The thought of someone else seeing me almost naked makes me shiver, the last time that happened was when... "I-It's not that I just feel very self conscious about my body," i say. She nods and smiles, "You shouldn't, i won't judge you. But if you want I can turn around while you change." She's a girl, you used to change in front of other girls in the locker rooms, she will turn around and won't see your body. "Could you turn around?" I ask, she nods and turns around.
I get changed quickly and tell Juvia I'm done. She looks at my outfit and smiles, "that shirt really hugs your curves, you shouldn't be self conscious, you have a good body." She says.
I smile and thank her. I know I have a good body, i take care of myself, i exercise and i eat healthy, i wanted to be a model before the whole incident, but after that i just became scared of my own scars, the reminders of that dark time in my life.
I follow Juvia and we go into the cafeteria, it's pretty big, there are a bunch of kids from different guilds hanging out together, i see Jellal by the exit trying to talk to Erza. "Erza, I'm sorry." She looks away and sighs. "I don't know, why don't you go ask your girlfriend," she says as she makes her way towards us. Jellal looks down and walks towards some kids from Crime Sorcière.
We eat breakfast with Erza,Levy and a girl named Cana. I talk with Levy about books while Erza and Juvia talk about boys.
We make our way through the halls, Juvia told me earlier that the first few days were pretty chill and bringing stuff with you wouldn't really be necessary, so i just brought my purse with my phone pen, small journal and money.
I go into my first class which I have with Levy, we take a seat next to each other, people slowly start coming in, a guy with messy orange hair walks in, he wears glasses and a a nice outfit, he sees me and smiles, "Hello beautiful, you must be new here, I'm Loke, your next boyfriend." He is suddenly pulled away by a girl with pink hair and a white woolly sweater. "Loke leave the new girl alone." She says. "Thanks Aries, i thought i was going to have to punch him." Natsu says as he takes the seat next to me where Loke was a few seconds ago.
"Hey Luce," i smile and say hello.
"So Luce, everyone is going to go to 8-Island later today, you gonna be there?" Going out wouldn't be such a bad thing, i need to make some new friends, "Sure." I respond.

The teacher walks in, a woman with long platinum hair, she smiles and waves. "Hello class, to those that don't know me, I'm Mirajane Dreyar, just call me Mira."

She makes us introduce ourselves after that she just tells us relax as she looks around the class. In our class there is kids from different guilds, they all seem nice, I'll probably enjoy being here.

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