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How do you pretend like everything is fine when the people you have came to care for are constantly asking if everything is fine?

It hurts so much to have to lie to them, it's been a week since the whole nightmare accident, Natsu is always there to make sure I'm fine. That night when Natsu helped me calm down, something about it reminded me of the day I was rescued, the day I met Zeref. 

Something about Natsu reminds me of him.

It's a Friday, I need to go visit mom, It's about 5:15, I have enough time to drive to the company to talk to both mom and dad.

I arrive to the Heartfilia building, I go inside and head to the top floor where my parents' office is. I knock and go inside once I hear my parents say "come in." I see my mom on the couch with Michelle and Dad is working on organizing some files. "Lucy! I'm so glad you're here! I was just about to call the babysitter. Can you take care of Michelle? we're going to a party to sign a new deal." I stare at Michelle, she smiles and giggles. "Sure, come on Michelle." I take her and mom hands me her bag and the baby chair.

I arrive to the dorms and I make my way to my room. I carry Michelle in her chair and I have her bag on my shoulder. "You excited to spend the night with your big sis?" I ask her. She laughs and begins flailing her arms, I smile and open the door to my room. Juvia isn't here, considering that it's  a Friday she's probably off with everyone in Erza or Natsu's room playing video games or board games. I check the time, I spent a couple hours with my parents talking about how to improve some stuff for the company. It's 8:45, Michelle is looking around as she plays with a little teddy bear that I found in her bag. I pick her up and sit her in my bed, she yawns and I kiss her forehead. I make my way to my closet and get changed, I put on one of the few night gowns I own, Michelle doesn't like my long sleeves when we sleep. During the time we were together at home she would sometimes prefer to sleep with me instead of with mom and dad, she would often pull on my sleeves, t-shirts would make her cry for some reason, it was as if she didn't want me to hide my scars from her. I put the night gown on and get her changed into a thin onesie for her to sleep in.

It's 9:00 and Juvia will probably stay at Erza and Levy's room. I turn the lights off leaving just my bedside lamp on and get in bed with Michelle and she falls asleep with her small hands holding on to mine, once she's asleep I turn the bedside lamp off and close my eyes.

I hear the door open, Juvia and Erza walk in. "Is she asleep?" Juvia asks. "It seems like it."

I sit up and turn the lamp on. "Shhhh!" I say, they look at me and I motion towards Michelle. "Oh, Michelle is here!" Juvia whispers. Erza's eyes shine as she sees my little sister. She smiles and walks up to me, I cover my arms and smile, "I will leave then, goodnight girls." Erza whispers and leaves.
Juvia says goodnight and gets in bed.
I fall asleep as Michelle hugs my arms. "Goodnight Michelle." I whisper.

The next morning i wake up early and text my parents telling them I'll take care if Michelle for the rest of the day.
When Michelle wakes up i give her some milk and i change her diaper, Juvia is still asleep, i take this opportunity to get changed, if she was to see the scars on my legs she would definitely have more doubts about me. A car accident doesn't give someone all the cuts i have scared on my body, she knows that, but she's waiting for me tell her the truth.

But i can't.

I put on a denim skirt with some black tights and a black shirt, i grab a denim jacket and put it on, i carry Michelle and make my way outside. On my way out of campus i stumble upon a guy from Cuarto Cerberus, "Hello there, is this cutie yours. I don't see a ring, what about you come over later and we make a new baby." The guy reeks of alcohol, he was drinking for sure.
"Bacchus, leave her alone." I hear Natsu say. "Aw come on, she has a nice body, I'm just putting up an offer."
"Sure, anyways let's go Luce!" He grabs Michelle and carries her, he wraps his arm around my shoulders and we walk away towards the park, "You're a lucky bastard Dragneel!" Bacchus yells out.

We get to the park, I'm sweating and out of breath, " I didn't think it would be this hot outside..." i mumble.
"Why do you always wear so many layers of clothes, you wouldn't be so sweaty and hot." He says.
"I just don't like to show much skin..." i lie. Natsu nods and Michelle frowns. We walk around for a while and i have a weird feeling.
But what is it...?

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