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I calmly close the curtains and sit down, Juvia isn't here, i get up and lock the door, I put my knees to my chest and tuck my head into the crook of my knees. A tear falls down my face... "it's happening again..." i hear the door open. I sit up and look down.
"L-Lucy?" Juvia comes over to me and kneels down next to me. "Lucy... is everything okay?" I nod, "i think there's someone outside..." i whisper. Her eyes widen and she looks outside, "Lucy, there's no one there... are you sure you're fine?" There's nothing there.... I'm just imagining things, everything is fine.
"Y-yeah it's fine." I smile and get up. I walk to the door and smile, "I guess i must have imagined it." I walk out and see Natsu and Gray talking by their room, i decide to take the other way to avoid them. I walk towards the park, I need to calm down, nothing's wrong.
Everything is fine...
I just need to stay calm...
It'll be over soon...

As the week goes on i feel like I'm losing my mind, i see someone watching me but when i look again after telling someone, they're gone.
It's terrifying, i feel like I'm going crazy again, do i still need therapy, do i really need to go to an asylum?
The thought terrifies me, being in an asylum would be like the accident all over again.

The phone rings and Alex answers the phone, "She's trying to tell them, they think she's going crazy. This will be easier than expected if they think she's going mad." Says his assistant, Alex laughs at this. He hangs up the phone and smiles,"This will be fun." His sick twisted smile becomes a smirk, "Let's see how long you can go on before breaking." He sits in a dark room, it has no windows, the only light is that of the ceiling lamps that don't give out much light. He watches as the glass cage fills up with water, he has a table next to a bed with restraints on it. "Prepare yourself for a good time Lucy."

I sit here in class, the dance being the talk of the school, the dance is tomorrow, Natsu has been so sweet to me, he came by every day to the dorm and brought me some chocolate or snacks, we watched a couple of movies and talked.
Something about the dance makes me feel uneasy, like something will happen. I know that someone is watching me, I'm not loosing my mind. I told Erza and Gray that i felt like someone was watching me but they said no one was there.
I'm fine, i know i am, i just need to figure out what's going on.

I arrive to Erza's room with the girls, they all have their dresses (except for me), they begin to get ready, their make up and hair, their shoes and dresses, they're beautiful.
No scars, clear skin, no need of extra makeup to hide their scars, to hide their reminders.
A few days ago i thought that my scars made me seem like a warrior, a survivor. But now, they're once again, just reminders of my sad life, i never had friends, before the accident everyone saw me as a freak, a stuck up child, a girl who didn't deserve what she had.
Once i had helped the girls i went into my room to get ready.
I put on my dress and use makeup to cover up my scars on my shoulders, i move on to my legs, i use a lot of makeup but i get it done, my legs show no scars and i put on some white heels with a big yellow bow on them. I tie my hair up and put some eyeshadow and mascara, i use a light pink lipstick and I'm done. I hear Juvia and the girls outside, "Lucy do you need help getting ready?" Asks Levy. I open the door and they smile. "Lucy you look so beautiful." They compliment me as we make our way to the gym.
We arrive and the guys wait for us by the entrance.
"L-Lucy?You look very beautiful..." Natsu says with a flushed face, i blush at his compliment. He takes my hand and my face feels hot. We go inside and we sit down at a table, he grins and sits down next to me, "Do you want to dance?" We dance for a while, my heart beats faster, all this time Natsu had been so sweet, i like him, who wouldn't, he's hot, he's sweet, he's caring.... i like Natsu Dragneel.
After dancing and goofing around we sit down, we see Erza and Jellal going outside, Gajeel is talking to Levy by the entrance and Juvia is dancing with Gray.
I see a guy with blonde spiky hair is making out in a corner with a guy with black hair, a girl with white short hair and a girl with long black hair walking around hand in hand.
Natsu stands up and takes my hand, "Lucy, I-I like you... i wanted to know if you would like to go out some time?" My face feels flushed, I smile and nod, "i would love that."

I feel someone staring at me, i look around and see someone by the door, i make my way there once i make sure Natsu isn't looking, they make their way out. I go outside after them, once I'm outside i hear someone call my name, i make my way towards the door but I'm stopped by an arm in my way. I look towards my right and see two guys standing there, i look around me and there's a couple of guys there, one of them swings his hand at me, i try to dodge it only to be kicked on the back by someone else. I fall down face first, one of the guys kicks me in my stomach, I'm about to yell out in pain but get kicked again, i know what that means. It means i need to shut up and take it, "You better stay quiet or else we'll get your little friends as well." One of the guys says before he kicks my face, i feel my vision getting blurry. I feel my body getting picked up, the last thing I see is three guys walking behind whoever has me draped on their shoulder, i look down to the floor and my eyes feel heavy.
It's happening again...
I should have told them, it would've been a helpful thing right now, but i didn't... i was to scared.
And now, i might not see them again,
I might not see my family again.


Zeref... please help me...

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