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"She's alone, she just walked into the building. Yes sir, I'll leave now."
A man stood outside of the Heartfilia building, he observes Lucy as she makes her way through the building. Once she goes into her parents' office he leaves.
He walks to his car and takes out his phone, "Mr. Bradley, yes she is in the office. Next Friday? Isn't that too rushed? Alright, the Thursday after that it is then." He hangs up the phone, and drives off.

I drop Michelle off at my parents' house after going to the park with Natsu, spending the day with Erza,Levy and Juvia as they tried on a bunch of dresses for a dance that the school will have. Michelle would giggle as they tried on dresses. They tried to get me to try on a dress but i told them i wouldn't be going to the dance.

"Lucy, I've been meaning to ask for a while now," says Erza as we arrive at her room. "Where did you get that scar?" She reaches up to my face and her finger grazes over my scar.
"It was when i was little, i don't even remember getting it... i think mom told me it was when i was learning how to ride a bike or something." I shake my head and smile. "It honestly wouldn't surprise me, i was pretty clumsy when i was little." I say.

It's soon Monday, everyone is talking about the dance, "Lucy!!" I see Juvia rushing towards me. "Gray invited me to the dance!" She has the widest smile on her face. "That's great Juvia." She nods and smiles.
"I heard Jellal asked Erza out..." she says. I giggle, "i thought they were fighting?" She explains the whole situation to me and i nod.

Later that day as I make my way to my room I hear footsteps coming up from behind me. "Luce!" I turn around to see Natsu walking towards me. As he makes his way towards me i see something about him that reminds me of Zeref.
"Luce, I'm sure you've heard about the dance..." i nod, "I was wondering if you..." he scratched his head in embarrassment. "If you wanted to go to the dance with me?" I smile and nod.
He's a sweet guy, i can trust him, i want to trust him, just like i want to trust all of my friends... "Yeah, that sounds great." He smiles and hugs me. His warm embrace makes me feel happy, i need to tell them, i can't hide it from them.
I can't hide it from him, i just need time to figure out how to tell them.

"Sir, next Thursday there will be a dance at the school, i say we wait until the dance is going on to take her away." He hangs up the phone after hearing the information from his assistant. "You killed my father, you will pay for this Heartfilia... i will end your life."

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