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My heart feels heavy, the water enters my lungs making me feel an agonizing pain.
Slowly the pain subsides and i can't feel anything.

I can hear muffled voices...

I hear loud sounds...

A loud crash, I feel my body falling. My head hits the floor and everything goes dark.

Zeref and everyone bursts in through the door, in front of them stands Alex, in front of them is a blonde girl covered in cuts, she wears a beautiful blue dress as she floats in a glass tank filled with water. "You think you can save her? she's been in there for quite some time now." Natsu takes his gun out and shoots the bottom corner of the glass, the glass shatters and Natsu rushes towards Lucy, her body hits the floor and she lays there unconscious. Before Natsu can get to where Lucy is, Alex picks her up and holds her in front of him. He takes out a knife and holds it towards Lucy's throat, "Try shooting, you'll kill her before you touch me. Don't try to attack me either, if you do I'll stab her and slit her throat." Everyone stands still while they think on what their next move is.

I open my eyes, I begin coughing up water and I yelp in pain. I look around and see a bunch of people with masks and helmets on, I see in front of me I see a familiar black helmet with a small flame on the right side. It's Zeref. I look around I don't know who everyone else is, I can't see their eyes face or hair. "She's awake." Zeref says. "Oh look, now we can all hear her screams as she dies. I will say that drowning her wasn't one of my best ideas, glad I can have a second chance now that she's still alive." Alex says as he makes a cut on my collar bone. A guy in the back steps forward only to be held back by two other guys. Zeref makes his way towards us, Alex averts his attention to Zeref while the three guys in the back make their way around the room behind some boxes and beds. "This bitch has caused more than enough trouble, not only for me but for you as well. Having to rescue her must be exhausting. Tell ya what, you let me kill the slut and I let you arrest me. It's a win win." I focus on the guys that are going around. They make their way behind some boxes that are behind Alex while Zeref tries to talk to him. "Now!" Zeref says and the guys jump out from behind the boxes and Alex turns around. Everyone surrounds us while pointing their weapons at us. "Let her go." that voice sounds so familiar, who is it?

"What are you going to do? shoot me?" Alex says with a laugh. "Try it." Alex hugs me close to his body, my back against his chest.

"Shoot." I say. Zeref freezes, "Lucy, no. My job is to get you out of here safely." I shake my head and look down. "Shoot. Right. Now." I say. Alex begins to laugh. "You really do have a death wish, don't you, you little fucking slut." Alex holds the knife out and drops it. "Don't keep the lady waiting..." Alex smirks.

"Zeref don't you dare!" Natsu... He's here... I'm sorry Natsu.

"DO IT!" I yell out.

I hear a gun shot and I look down, it's done. The bullet hit the right side of my body just below my rib cage. Alex laughs and drops me on the floor. He takes out a gun and shoots my left thigh. I feel the pain, i can't do anything about it though, it hurts so much I can't even react.
Three more gunshots are heard, i see Alex on the floor bleeding. He looks at me and mouths the word "Die" before his eyes close and he passes out.
"Lucy!" Everyone rushes towards me, the blue dress now covered in blood. "Lucy hang on the ambulance is right outside, you'll be out of here in no time." Says Zeref. I smile and nod.
My eyes feel heavy, my body feels like it weighs a thousand pounds, my eyes close and everything goes dark.

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