useful team

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I lay on the bed, tears fall down my face.
My body covered in cuts and bruises, blood on the bed and body, i lay there in my bra and shorts, his laugh haunts me.
I don't know how long I've been here, or how much longer it will be before i get out... if i get out that is.
Then again it could be worse.
He touches my stomach and thighs, he hasn't done anything to me yet, he'll kiss my neck and laugh as i cry and scream telling him to stop.
Slap after slap, kick after kick. He won't let me have a break.
After kicking and punching me he'll toss me inside the tank, I'll wince in pain as the water makes contact with all the cuts on my body.
He lets me go to eat or to use the restroom but that's it. I feel like I'm losing my mind, being trapped by some psychopath that makes me feel like shit.

He walks in with a black bag, he sits me down and ties me up. He opens the bag and puts a sort of collar on my neck, he puts some bracelets on my wrists and ankles that are similar to the collar, he takes out a remote and presses a button, immediately i feel electricity flowing through my body, my body begins to burn and ache, he shocks me over and over again.
I cry out and beg for him to stop, he laughs and continues to press the button. I feel like dying, the pain is so much.
Finally it stops, tears fall down my face, my body shaking and my breathing heavy. "Shut up you fucking bitch!" He shocks me again this time it's worse than before. It's not as long but it's so painful i can't even react.
He slaps me and my whole body feels numb, my body hurts, there's nothing I can do about it though.
He takes the collar and bracelets off. He picks me up and puts me in the tank.
I can't feel my body moving i can't feel the water making contact with my cuts. I stay underwater, the water surrounds my body, it's as if it's telling me to give in. To just breath and let everything stop.
I can't.
I need to leave...
I have to get out of here, or at least try.

It's soon Tuesday, everyone has been worried about Lucy. Levy and Juvia have been online looking for any places that could be used to keep Lucy hidden. They have been trying to do everything they can to help find her.
Zeref Dragneel, one of the top 5 best investigators in the country, he was recruited once again to help with the Heartfilia case, the case so far had no progress at all. The only clue given was that Lucy had said she felt like she was being followed. The security cameras of the dance showed a bunch of guys with masks taking away an unconscious Lucy.

As the day goes on Zeref arrives to the Heartfilia residence, Natsu and all the others are sitting in the living room "Zeref?" Natsu asks as his brother walks in. "Hey Natsu." Zeref says. Layla makes her way towards him, "Zeref do you have any clues?" she asks only for him to shake his head. "This time it might take longer than before, I don't know what they might do to her this time..." he says in a sad tone, he looks down and everyone says quiet. "Zeref... do you think think that maybe it's someone who knew the person involved in the last incident..." Jude asks Zeref in a sad tone, Zeref nods, "We have a couple people that we think might be involved." he takes out his laptop and calls someone on his radio. "First off is Sean Austin, he was one of Ethan Bradley's guards, he worked at his office for him making sure no one without permission would be let in. John Walters is Alex Bradley's right hand and assistant, and lastly Alex Bradley. Alex is the son of Ethan Bradley, this is what we have so far, and honestly I think it's all we need." Zeref takes the laptop and lets everyone see the people on the screen, there a picture of three men.

"You think Ethan's son is the one responsible for this?" asks Layla, Zeref nods and there is a knock on the door, Jude goes to open the door and there stands a small girl with long wavy blonde hair, "Mavis glad you could make it." Zeref stands up and makes his way to the door. They take seat and begin to discuss some possible locations that Lucy might be held at.

After a couple of hours of talking, Levy takes out her computer and begins to type some things in, Levy manages to hack into the school security cameras and check all through out the week, she takes a couple of minutes before interrupting Zeref. "I found it." she says, she hands him the laptop and on the screen there in image of John Walters following Lucy around and talking on the phone while doing so. "Holy shit, shrimp, where did you learn how to hack?" Gajeel asks while everyone stares at Levy in a surprised way, well... everyone but Natsu. "You were right." Zeref says. Natsu and Zeref had talked earlier, Natsu told him that everyone of his friends had skills that could help them. He told him that Levy (the smart bookworm) had amazing hacking skills. Jellal being great at other languages and ciphers would also be helpful. Gray and Juvia being really good in the field of chemistry (if you know what I mean...) Gajeel being great at lock picking and opening safes and doors would be very useful. Erza of course would be there for combat, she knows how to use swords, knifes, katanas, and being pretty fast and ruthless. Natsu was actually really good at handling knifes, guns and hand to hand combat, he knows how to use katanas and swords but compared to Erza's skills he is nothing, being a nerd in chemistry and science just like Gray and Juvia also helps. The difference is that Juvia focusses on water, Gray focuses on ice and Natsu focuses on fire. Living with Zeref really helped Natsu, he learned how to fire a gun, and use different kinds of guns and artillery.

Mavis talked to everyone and she manage to pin point the 3 most probable locations. The Fiore Water tower, Magnolia's abandoned airport or the abandoned prison in Hargeon.

Meanwhile at the abandoned prison: 3 days after pinpointing possible locations.

I rest in the chair while Alex feeds me, a terrifying grin on his face. He has been so close to touching me... he gets close enough to where I begin to scream and cry, he slaps me and cuts me more. A few minutes ago he took his knife and laughed at the scar on my cheekbone, he retraced the mark making a new cut in the same place.

I now wait until I finish my food for me to be placed on his new toy, he took a tub and filled it up with water he set it up and it has been sitting there since what I assume was last night. "Are you ready to try this new toy baby Lucy?" he began calling me baby, It makes me want to puke. He sits me up and tosses me in the tub. He puts on some goggles and begins to laugh, he takes a small bucket and lifts it up. he pours the contents of the bucket into the tub. In the tub with me are now 2 small red bellied piranhas, i see them and panic, i jump out of the water the moment i see them. Alex laughs and laughs, he grins and picks me up.
"What do you say i let you avoid the little fishes for a couple days with one condition?" He grins and kisses my cheek making me want to cry.
He grabs me by the hair and yanks it back, "answer me when i ask you a question you slut!" He slaps me and drags me towards the chair. He straps me down to the chair. After a few minutes he puts the collar and bracelets on my body.
Zap after zap. He laughs and smiles.
"Tomorrow we'll have a great time, it'll be your last day alive!"

Please... help me...

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