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I wake up and see Juvia shifting, she's waking up... here goes nothing.
I put some shorts on quickly and a tank top, she still hasn't woken up completely. A rush of panic takes over me, what if she makes fun of me... i rush and put on some jeans, she sits there staring as i pull my shirt off, "There's more on your stomach and arms..." her eyes look sad, it's as if she felt bad for me. She stands up and makes her way towards me. "What kind of accident was it?" She asks. I decide to make something up, "a car crash, i was with some friends and the older one lost control of the wheel and we crashed." She nods and smiles. "I'm glad you made it out alive." I nod and smile.

The day goes on, i skip p.e. and go to the rest of my classes. I have class with all my friends, i have only known them for a day but i really think we'll get along. Natsu comes up to me in our last class. "Luce, do you want to go out later, Gray's buying us pizza, we'll be in Levy's room." I nod and say thanks.

We all go to Levy's room, i sit on her bed and grab a book from her shelf, i begin reading it while everyone talks, Levy shares a room with Erza, she says it can sometimes be a bit of a handful. It's only been 2 days and Erza is already being a handful.

Natsu and Gray come sit next to me, Levy and Juvia sit in front of us and Erza, Gajeel and Jellal sit on Erza's bed. "You're so quiet Luce."
"you're more boring than Levy" says Gray only to get a book thrown at him by Levy.
"Hey! I'm not boring!"
"Yes you are shrimp." Levy throws a boom at Gajeel.
"I just don't really know how to socialize, i never really had much friends back in my old school." They look at me in shock. "But you're so nice," Juvia gives me a weird look, fuck, i told her i went out with some friends when i got my scars. "Yeah but, well, i had some friends but we got in a car accident and they're parents had to move, that was a long time ago." Juvia still has a curious look, she knows I'm hiding something, but she can try all she want, they won't find anything.
We spend the rest of the night talking about each other. I tell them about my childhood, i don't tell them about what happened in high school though, it's when it all started. I tell them more about Michelle, Juvia and Natsu have met her, they asked me when i would bring her over. I giggle at this, "I'll try to bring her on Friday after school." I tell them.

Erza and Levy decide to come stay with me and Juvia, the guys tried to come with us but Erza didn't let them.
We go to the showers and i get out before them, i get changed while they are s in the shower, I go back to my room, i feel so tired, i lay down and my eyes feel heavy. I see Erza, Juvia and Levy walk in before drifting off.

I sit in a dark room, the only light i see is one above me, the lamp hanging on the roof, i look down and underneath me and i see a large pool, i feel movement, the chair is tied to some ropes, there's bricks tied to the bottom of the chair, the chair begins to go down and into the water taking me with it, I'm tied to the chair. It goes down and i feel the water all around me, i can't breathe, it's horrible. I open my eyes and i see a guy that looks like Him it's like I'm living it all over again, but it's worse. I am lifted and I'm no longer in the water.
Now I'm standing over a pool, a boy that has the same face as him looks at me and smirks, "you little bitch!" He takes a knife and makes multiple cuts on my legs, he cuts my shirt open, i stand there in a bra and he makes more cuts on my stomach, he slaps me and gives a strong kick directly on the chest, i fall back, the kick took some air out of me and now I'm falling into the pool, the water makes my cuts burn. I open my mouth to scream but it's filled with water. I begin to drown, i feel the water in my lungs, it burns. It hurts so much. I open my eyes one last time and over me stands my mom. She looks sad and she begins to cry.
My eyes close and i feel the darkness take me away.

I wake up sweating and screaming, i had the same dream I have had since it happened, i can see and feel everything happening all over again, but now there was more, it was something new. "L-Lucy?!" Erza and Levy sit on my bed, the lights are on and i sit there crying. I hug my legs as i look down, Juvia rushes in with Natsu and Gray. They come in and they rush towards me. Gray hugs me but i begin screaming and shouting, "don't touch me!" I put the blankets over me, Natsu takes the blanket off and puts a hand on mine while saying, "It's me, Natsu, calm down, don't worry. You're safe, your alright." I stop shaking and i begin crying into his chest. Gray rubs my back while Erza tells me it's fine. Juvia comes back with tea and Levy gives me some cookies.

Levy's Pov.
We were falling asleep when Lucy began tossing and turning, she began letting out yelps and kept saying stop. "Is she okay?" I ask Juvia.
Lucy begins to cry and we move towards her, she begins yelling as she keeps moving around, "Ethan Bradley" she whispered. Isn't that the guy of a really big company that died a few years ago?...
She begins screaming, "Stop!!!" Juvia rushes out to get Natsu and Gray. I stay with Erza and wait until Lucy wakes up.
She wakes up screaming and crying. "Lucy?!"

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