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Everyone stands next to Lucy as she lays on the floor. Her blue dress is now covered in blood, a single tear falls down Natsu's cheek. Sirens are heard outside, cops and ambulances rush towards the scene while a group of paramedics are entering the room. Lucy is carefully picked up and put on a stretcher. As she's rushed outside the prison towards the ambulance everyone follows behind.

"Why would you do that?!" Natsu asks in a devastated tone, Zeref looks at him, "I needed to get her out of there..." he says with a soft voice. Natsu glares at Zeref with hatred in his eyes, "Shooting her was your best choice to get her out of there?" Natsu says in a furious tone. Zeref looks at Natsu, "Would you have preferred to see her hurt or dead?" He says in a sad tone. Natsu looks down and sighs. "She'll be fine, right?" Natsu asks in a sad yet hopeful tone. Zeref gives a hesitant yes and they all walk out. Erza had stabbed a couple people in legs, Gray, Natsu, and Juvia had used their chemicals and mixes to create distraction throughout the prison to avoid fighting many guards.

Once in the hospital Lucy was taken to the emergency room and was taken care of. Hours passed before Lucy was put in a room, once she was in a room she was under a lot of care, the bullets didn't do any critical damage but it would certainly take a long time for her to be able to walk and move normally, all the cuts and bruises on her body would make it impossible for her to move so much.

No one was allowed to go inside, just her parents and Zeref. "How come you can go in?" Natsu asks.
"She's been awake for a while and i need to get answers to what happened to her." Zeref looked at Natsu with a worried look, "As much as you want to know, I can't tell you anything." Zeref then walked off to talk on the phone leaving the group of friends confused and in the dark about Lucy's incident. When Natsu and his friends left he was left to scope out the place. There he found the piranhas, the tank that everyone had seen Lucy in, the collars, knives and other stuff, he could only imagine what he did to her. Lucy sat quietly in her bed, her parents talked to her, she didn't talk about what happened though. If Zeref or her parents asked she wouldn't say a word, she kept quiet and stared at the floor a look filled with terror and sadness. In some way her friends understood her panic attack the day they had physical education, they understood why she hid her scars and they had an idea on why she had woken up crying that one night. Lucy had lived through some terrible stuff, not just once but twice now.

As i sit here in my room looking outside all i can do is think. What will happen now? What will i say?
What do they think?

As questions run around in my mind the memories of what happened come back. I begin to panic, i feel my heartbeat quicken, my vision becomes blurry and i see black spots everywhere. My hands are shaking and my head hurts. He takes his knife and makes a cut on my back,"You fucking useless piece of trash! I could easily just stab you right now and have you bleed to death! You know you won't get out of this so stop resisting!" He took a couple needles of different sizes and began sticking them through my arms as if they were piercings. He then took them out and left my there to bleed. I begin screaming. I see a figure coming towards me, "STOP!" I yell as tears stream down my face. I hug myself and begin sobbing. The door slams open, Zeref rushes in and puts his hand on my shoulder. I begin sobbing and my parents rush in.
"Lucy it's alright."
"You're safe."
"We're here Lucy."
"Try to calm down."

The anxiety this time is clearly worse.
I was taken home at night when everyone was gone, my stuff was to be taken from my dorm and brought back here.
I can't go to school right now. I don't even know if we'll stay here.
I want to get help, I'll probably go to therapy and hope i get over this.
There's just one thing that i want to do, tell Natsu that i have come to see him as something more than just a friend.... but that can't happen.
I need to get out better.
I need to get help.
Even if it means i can't tell anyone where i am.

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