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I open my eyes, I'm sitting down tied to a chair once again.
I look up and see the same man standing there, "Lucy Heartfilia. I'm so sorry, I was so rude, i didn't introduce myself. My name is Alex Bradley." My eyes widen at his name.
The son of Ethan Bradley, the man that kidnaped, beat and almost killed me.

He steps towards me and moves a strand of my hair out of my face, i remember when i was in my old school. There was a time where despite rumors someone had ignored them and taken a liking to me. A new boy, he ignored the rumors and tried to make me feel happy. He flirted with me, he would tuck a strand of my purple hair behind my ear and smile. Slowly everyone took him away from me, and soon enough he had joined them, and once again i was alone.
He smirks as a tear falls down my face, he slaps me and laughs.
He slaps and punches me, he knocks the chair over and unties my arms and legs, he grabs my hair and drags me towards a wall, he begins kicking and punching me, he laughs as he sees me cry out in pain. "You killed my father! I'm going to make you pay! Not only that but you took his company away from him!" He picks me up and drags me towards the bed, he throws and me on the bed and ties my wrist and legs to the bed, he takes a knife and makes more cuts, he laughs as he makes more cuts.
He leaves me there covered in blood, the cold air hits my bare skin and makes me shiver. Tears fall from my face, but i won't scream, i won't give him the satisfaction of hearing me suffer, i won't cry, i can't.
I'll get out of here.


They probably don't know what is happening... i wonder what's happening at school.
Are they even at school? How long have i been gone?
Did anyone see?

Natsu and the others probably called my parents, they will probably be able to call Zeref, hopefully they'll find me before it's too late.

I hope i make it out alive...

Erza's Pov. (Thursday)
Natsu rushes towards us, "Where's Lucy?" He asks. I tell him i haven't seen Lucy, i look around and see a blonde, Sting who is making out with Rogue. I look around again and see Levy and Gajeel looking around as well.
Juvia rushes in with Gray, "Natsu, she's not in our room." Natsu looks at her. "Do you have her mom's number?" Juvia nods and heads outside, we follow her, the loud music from inside slowly gets less loud as we leave.
"Hello, Mrs. Heartfilia. It's Juvia, we were wondering if Lucy is with you?" Mrs. Heartfilia says something that we can't hear. Juvia's eyes widen, "alright, thanks." She looks at us and gives us a sad look, she hangs up and looks down, "She's not there." Natsu looks like he's about to freak out. "Natsu I'm sure she'll text us or call to tell us what's going on." Gray tells him so he calms down.
We make our way back and i see a flashing light, i make my way towards it and see an iPhone on the floor, someone is calling, i pick up the phone and see an incoming call from "mom" i pick up. "Hello?"
"Lucy?!" Lucy?
"No, this is Erza Scarlet."
"Oh, Erza, where did you find Lucy's phone?" I tell her how i found it and she remains silent. "Dammit," she says under her breath. "Erza, did you by any chance maybe hear Lucy say something strange or see her acting differently, maybe even more nervous than usual?" She asks, i think back to how Lucy had said that she had seen some watching her, or how she felt like she was being followed. All those times she said it we looked around and saw no one there, we thought she was just imagining things, was she telling the truth?
I tell Mrs. Heartfilia and she curses under her breath, "Erza, I'm going to need you to go tell the others to stay calm, I'll make a few calls and get back to you guys." She says good bye, she hangs up and i take the phone.
"Erza?" I look back and see Jellal standing behind me, "is that Lucy's phone?" I nod and he gives me a worried look. "It was on the floor, the sound was off but the flash notification was on, her mom was calling."
We leave the dance and go to my room, "What happened?" Juvia asks, i explain and everyone looks down.
"Do you think someone was actually following her?" Gray asks.
I shake my head, "i don't know..." i say.
Natsu stands up and punches a wall. "Dammit!" We all stare at him, as reckless as he can be i don't think i remember the last time I saw him like this. "I'm calling my brother," he sits down and takes his phone out, calls his brother and puts the call on speaker. "Hello?" His brother says.
"I need a favor," says Natsu.
"Natsu, i would love to help but i need to take care of something. Lucy's missing again and we need to figure out what happened." He stays quiet for a few seconds, we all do. "Fuck... no one knows about that... ignore what i just said, i need you and your friend to forget what i just said. It's not important. Anyways i have to do something, I'll help you later litt-" Natsu interrupts his brother before he can finish, "Heartfilia," says Natsu.
"What do you know about them?" Asks his brother. "Lucy Heartfilia is my girlfriend, she's in our guild."
"Fuck... look, I'm working on finding her okay, Layla and Jude just called me a couple minutes ago, we don't really have much."
"You said again." Says Juvia.
"What do you mean?"
Juvia gives us a weird look, "you said she was missing again." Silence, he doesn't say anything, "There's no news reports, nothing, we managed to make everyone that knew about it stay quiet. Lucy went missing some time ago, it was during her freshman year." We all look at each other.
"Lucy never told us," i say.
"I don't blame her, she got better but all the memories of what happened are still there not only emotionally and mentally but also physically."
"Zeref, how do you know?"asks Natsu.
"Remember the girl I told you about? The one that had been through some pretty fucked up stuff?" Natsu nods, only to realize Zeref can't see him, "yeah..."
"That was her, it could have been worse. I was the one that got her out of there, she was on the floor covered in blood and dirt, there was still some purple in her hair, but it was mostly blood. Shit, i shouldn't be telling you this... it's Lucy's past, not mine. She'll tell you when she's ready, and if she doesn't... just know that she went through some stuff." We all just look down, we don't know what to believe. Natsu looks like he's ready to kill someone, and i don't blame him. "Zeref, i need to know what happened." Natsu says in a low voice,  I've never seen him like this.
"Natsu i can't tell you, it's none of my business. I need to go, someone found a clue." Zeref hangs up and we all look down.
Juvia begins to cry, we all look at her, "the scars..." she whispers. Scars? Lucy's arms were covered in scars, we all thought she had cut herself, we knew that her excuse about a car crash could not be what really happened. Are all those scars from when she went missing?
"Zeref said she was covered in blood, was it her blood?" Levy asks in a soft voice.
"Luce... please be okay..."

Lucy's Pov. (Saturday)
I sit on the floor, blood everywhere, i have been thrown in the tank 5 times today, each time i was left underwater for a little bit longer than before.
His sickening laugh makes me want to die.
He lays me down on the table, he ties me to it once again, he takes his knife and makes a cut on my thigh.
He laughs and smirks. "You really are a cute little thing." I begin to move around to try to get free. "Be good, you wouldn't want me to teach you how to behave..." he says menacingly. "Let me go!" I yell.
He slaps me and puts a hand on my thigh, "you would be even prettier if you didn't have all these scars on your body." He leans down to my neck and leaves kisses there. "Stop! Leave me alone! Let me go! STOP!!!!" I yell out, he bites my neck and slaps me again. I begin to cry, i can't do this. I don't know how long I've been here, i don't know where we are. I cry, tears fall down my face as i scream out, "Let me go! Please!! Leave me alone!" He laughs once again, he picks up his knife and begins making cuts as i scream.
"Sweet dreams you little bitch." He says, he punches me in the face and everything goes dark.

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