Chapter 12- School

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Marie's POV

Soon, the bus pulled up outside of Malibu High (fake and stupid school name) and I got off the bus. I went to find my locker. I met up with my two best friends, Layla and Maxine and they were both screaming. "Ahhhhhhh. Did you hear that One Direction was coming to the school!!!!!" They screamed in unison. I rolled my eyes.

(A/N I made a little change again. In the beginning, it said that One Direction came to Marie's school. Let's just pretend that now there starting the school today. So everything about school, just remember that today's their first day at school. :) sorry for the confusion but you know my next story will be better)

"I know." I said

"Why aren't you freaking out?" Layla asked.

"'s nothing."

"What do you mean nothing?" Mac (Maxine) asked.

I smirked. For some reason, that set them off and they did the longest fan-girl scream I have ever heard.

"What was that smirk?" Layla asked.

"You'll see but I'll tell you once they're here."

(Where did Niall go? He is hiding waiting for the rest of the guys.)

In a few minutes five boys walked through the door. I imagined them doing the slow-motion walk and then clumsy Harry falls on the floor and all that stuff but this is reality and in reality a bunch of screaming girls came rushing to them, including Layla and Mac, with pens and posters or albums or whatever they wanted autographed. The principal came rushing out of the office and she called all 5 of the boys in. Layla and Mac came showing me their autographed posters still in shock. I rolled my eyes again chuckling. "So....they're here.....what did you want to tell us?" Mac asked.

Harry's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw. There were so many screaming girls. We were saved by the principal calling us into the office. We walked inside and took a seat. "Hello boys. I see your pretty famous. My daughters love you guys, too," she said smiling, "I will let you go and meet people but here are your classes and if anyone tackles you just holler." She smiled and gestured us out. We walked out and all five of us gave a 'special someone' a surprise.

Marie's POV

As I was talking to Layla and Mac I heard footsteps and before I could looks to see who it was, 4 guys were grabbing my into a tight....tight....hug and I just stood there smiling. When they finally released me, I looked and saw that there was one specific person not in the hug.

"HARRY!" I screamed jumping into his arms.

He picked me up and spun me around.

"I missed you so much!" He said putting me down.

"You too." I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

I looked over at Layla and Mac who were staring at me in shock. "OMG!" Layla screamed. "Hello girls. I'm Harry." Harry said knowing they knew who he was. "We know!" Mac said. The guys and I leaned in to hug the two girls. That's when they lost it. They both screamed to the top of their lungs. "Who's your favorite, love?" Niall asked Mac. She pointed directly at Liam. He leaned in and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. She totally blushed and giggled a bit. "And you?" Liam asked Layla. "LOUIS!" She screamed. Louis did the same to Lay as Liam did to Mac. Soon, the bell rang and the boys looked at their papers. "I've got Smith?" Liam said. "ME TOO!" Mac said locking arms with Liam leading him to first period. As she walked away she looked back at me and gave me a thumbs up. "I've got Orbagoso, anyone else?" Layla said closing her locker. Niall and Louis raised their hands. "Eeeek! Let's go!" She said leading them to their class. I looked back at Zayn and Harry and rolled my eyes...again. "There HUGE fans." I explained. They both nodded with a 'duh' look on their faces. "Hammock." Zayn said. "Smith." Harry said. "I have Lucy, too but Zayn, Hammock's on the way there. I turned around but...being the goofs that they are....they both came up behind me and swept me off my feet. I laughed and they lead me down the hallway. As we were walking, we got 'OMG' looks from fans and 'honestly couldn't care less' looks from haters. But I didn't care 'cause I was back with the best friends anyone could have.

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