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Blaise's P.O.V

            It was finally the holidays but unfortunately for me, my mum was taking us to visit her family that lived a few hours away so I couldn't spend my time with Draco like I had hoped. But he and I were going to talk on the phone so it wasn't so bad.

            He was doing better after the whole Flint incident. His parents were happy that I took him home when he asked but were not happy with the school for letting this happen. Flint was suspended from school and the team for a week. But the best part was the people who he did tell were actually supportive of us. It was pretty much everyone our year and up that knew he was pregnant. They came up to use and congratulated us and some even gave us gifts like fruit or baby blankets. Draco was all embarrassed cause he started crying from happiness. But other than that, he was able to show off his belly more because he wasn't afraid of them finding out.

            "Are you excited to be seeing your cousins?" My mum asked as we drove down the road. "Your grandmother is very happy to be seeing you."

            "I guess and I miss grandma too. They know about... Draco right?" I questioned. "I haven't told anyone."

            "Yes I've told them. As much as grandma wasn't too happy to hear that you'll be a teenage father, she is excited to be a great grandmother to your child." She told me and I smiled. "I think she was even thinking of sending Draco a gift for the baby." She told me and I glanced at her.


            "She mentioned it. Just don't tell him because I am sure she wants it to be a surprise." She explained to me and I smiled.

            "Well thank you and I'm gonna have to thank her." I mentioned. "It kind of sucks that I won't be able to see him for a week. I'm gonna miss him like hell."

            "I know but it's long overdue since we saw the family. Draco's family understood." She expressed and I sighed.

            "At least I don't have to work at all, you know? I've been busting my ass off."

            "Language young man." She chided. "And yes you have, I'm very proud of you."

            "Thank you." I grinned and then sighed again. "I'm just bummed that I won't be able to attend the class those days."

            "Yes, but didn't you say you two had friends, Cedric and Harry? I'm sure Draco will be with them for the two hours."

            "It's not that I'm worried about." I mumbled. "I enjoy going to the classes." I admitted and she let out a laugh.

            "Well I hope you enjoy having the baby as much as you enjoy the class." She told me with a slight laugh. I scowled and stared out the window. "Have you and Draco discussed if you'll be in the room when he delivers?" She asked and I looked at her.

            "No." I shook my head. "I just figured I would be there." I shrugged and then scrunched up my face. "Why do you ask?"

            "He might not want you to be in there. He might be uncomfortable with the fact you're there. Draco... he seems like a very shy person and with you being there in one of the most intense moments of his life, he might not want that."

            "Well mum, I have had sex with him. I've seen everything so I don't think he would really mind." I argued but she shook her head.

            "Sweetheart, when I was in labor with you, I didn't want your father anywhere near that delivery room. We weren't married and that was more of a... private thing I would be going through." She stated.

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