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Draco's P.O.V

            Bringing our precious baby boy home was both a blessing and a nightmare. A blessing because he was finally here but a nightmare because I was never sleeping. I had thought I was getting a bad night's sleep before but this... this was just awful. He was up all night and when he was asleep, I couldn't sleep because I was worried he'd wake up and I wouldn't hear him. It was a rough first two weeks.

            "Just go to sleep Draco, I've got it covered." Blaise assured gently rocking Leo.

            "But what if he's hungry?" I asked from my lying position in bed. I was literally fighting off sleep, my eyes kept drooping closed.

            "We have the milk you pumped, come on, go to sleep."

            "But-" I started but Blaise cut me off.

            "Not buts." He interrupted. "Sleep and we'll be here when you wake up. Besides, Leo is sleeping and should be for at least another hour so at least rest." He told me and I nodded sleepily.

            "Okay. Fine." I mumbled. "Love you."

            "Love you back." He told me and then I succumbed to sleep.

            It wasn't until I heard other voices that I woke up. They sounded like Cedric and Harry which I heard through the baby monitor we had.

            "He's sleeping." I heard Blaise tell them. "Poor thing has been exhausted."

            "That's understandable, it'll be like that for a while." Cedric answered. I yawned and ran a hand through my hair. I got out of bed and then left my room so I could go greet my friends.

            I found them in the living room and Harry was holding Leo as Blaise cooed to Willow in her baby carrier.

            "Hi guys." I greeted and they looked at me.

            "Draco! Look at you, you look great." Harry smiled widely as I smiled sleepily.

            "Thank you. How are you guys? I've missed you." I said taking a seat on the arm chair.

            "We've been good, we're happy to see you. We've missed you."  Cedric answered. "We're sorry to just drop by but we were the area."

            "Were you really?" I asked. "How come?"

            "Oh well...we've got something to tell you." Harry looked up from Leo and grinned widely.

            "Oh yeah?" Blaise asked. He was in arms distance from me so he gently started to stroke my arm. 

            "Ced and I are looking at houses down here. We.... We're ready to be on our own and we liked this neighborhood a lot when we dropped you off so we decided to come and look." Harry replied.

            "That's fantastic." I gasped. "Congratulations!"

            "Thank you."  Cedric grinned.

            "Are your parents okay with that?" I asked and Cedric chuckled softly.

            "Well they were very upset when we told them we wanted to do this. That was until they decided maybe they should just move here with us. They've already been asking about transfers."

            "In the same house?" I asked but Cedric shook his head.

            "They're looking at flats. They don't need a whole house to just them they claim." Cedric chucked.

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