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Third Person P.O.V

            After the class on Valentine's Day, the two couples went to their respective cars to drive separately to their date. They were going to a different place this time that was near the movie theater. It was a nice little Mexican restaurant they decided on and Draco had fully intended on getting a taco.

            Sure it wasn't anything fancy but they were okay with that because they didn't need anything too fancy.

            As soon as they got out of the car, Blaise's hand slipped into Draco's as Draco smiled.

            "So what are you thinking of getting? I really want chicken tacos." Draco mentioned and Blaise scrunched up his nose.

            "I was thinking nachos to be honest. I know Cedric and Harry recommended the quesadillas but I'm not in the mood for them."

            "Okay." Draco giggled. "Then don't get them." They walked to the entrance where Cedric and Harry were waiting. Cedric was leaning down and kissing Harry's face gently. Harry's face was scrunched up in a cute way as his arms wrapped around his neck. When they spotted the other couple, they pulled away and held hands.

            "Are you ready to go in?" Cedric asked. "I'm starved."

            "So are we." Blaise laughed. "Plus Draco here needs to pee."

            "Oh so do I." Harry exasperated causing them to laugh.

            They walked in and the two pregnant boys made a beeline for the bathroom as the other two got sat by the host. When they reemerged, they found their boyfriend's near the window so they made their way over to them. Blaise smiled as Draco sat down and wrapped an arm around him.

            "I ordered you a water." Blaise told him. "And we got chips with salsa as an appetizer."

            "Ooo they have the best chips here." Harry mentioned. "They make their own and they're super salty." 

            "Those are the best." Draco told them. The waiter came back and delivered their drinks along with the chips and salsa. He took their order before leaving.  Draco took a chip and dipped it in salsa before putting it in his mouth. His eyes immediately started to water.

            "Spicy." He groaned as Blaise grimaced. He handed Draco a napkin to spit in.

            "He doesn't like spicy things." Blaise explained.

            "Oh sorry, Harry and I love em." Cedric explained. "We can get something else if you'd like."

            "No it's fine really." Draco waved a hand. "I'll just eat the chips, they're pretty good."

            "Told you." Harry smirked and then took a chip. He grimaced at the spice but smiled. "She really likes spicy food at first but it'll disagree with me later." Harry laughed. "It's worth it though."

            "Have you named her yet?" Blaise asked and Cedric sighed as Harry grinned.

            "We did!" He piped. "Guess what we're going with."

            "Umm." Blaise trailed as Draco gasped.

            "Willow?" He squealed and Harry nodded.

            "Yup. She's going to be called Willow Anne Diggory." He explained and Cedric smiled kissing Harry's cheek.

            "Aww yay." Blaise and Draco cooed.           

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