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Draco's P.O.V

            I was sitting in the lunch room with Blaise and Pansy. My class for that period was cancelled so I decided to spend his lunchtime with him. He seemed pretty happy with my decision because he lit up real big when I told him.

            I hadn't seen Pansy since the beginning of the year and seeing was good because I really liked her as Blaise's friend.

            "So have you had any weird food cravings?" She asked and I smiled. 

            "Not really but I did really want beef jerky and cheese last night." I grimaced and scrunched up my nose. "I don't even like beef jerky."  I giggled. I gently placed my hand on my belly and rubbed it a bit.

            "Are you hungry honeybee?" Blaise asked and I shrugged.

            "Yeah a bit but my lunch period is soon and I don't want to have nothing to do." I told him and he pulled a piece of his orange off handing it to me.

            "Here eat up, our bumblebees gotta come out big and strong." He cooed and I scrunched up my nose.

            "Not too big bubba, I still gotta deliver." I chided and he smirked kissing my lips before we looked at Pansy.

            "About that." She started. "How are you um how are you going to give birth? I've never really paid attention to male pregnancies before." She asked.

            "Well um he'll deliver the same way a women does. Like where he got pregnant, that's where it'll come out of."  Blaise answered for me. "Or if anything goes wrong, they'll deliver the baby through caesarian section." He explained and I chewed on my lip.

            "But hopefully nothing will go wrong." I quickly said and then rested my head on Blaise's shoulder as he patted my face.

            "I don't think anything will, you've been taking really good care of yourself." He kissed my forehead.

            "So how many months are you?" She asked.

            "I will be five months next week." I told her and then grinned.

            "When's your exact due date?" She asked.

            "The doctor said around June 20th." I answered. "So school will be finished and the baby will be about two months when we go back to school."

            "And what are you going to do next year? Are one of you dropping out or getting a babysitter?" She asked and I looked at Blaise.

            "We um we actually haven't talked about it." I chewed on my lip.

            "Um we can discuss this in private." He told me and I nodded. "With our parents because I'm sure that um they'll want to have a say."

            "Yeah." I agreed and then smiled. I looked back to Pansy. "So um are you interested in anyone?" I asked and she blushed slightly.

            "Yes actually and I wanted to talk to you about it." She told me and I gave her a look.

            "Yeah? Why?"

            "Well um I was just wondering if your friend Hermione was single." She started. "I um I always see her around by herself but that doesn't necessarily mean she's single." She turned a beet red.

            "She's single but she's never disclosed who she's into. I can talk to her for you if you'd like." I offered and she covered her mouth covering her smile. She nodded and I grinned. "Okay, I'll talk to her later." The bell sounded to dismiss us from the class. I turned to Blaise and kissed his lips gently. "I gotta go to class but I'll see you in the library?"

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