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Third Person P.O.V

            Draco and Blaise made their way to the hospital that was a forty-five minute drive away. Draco had called his mother and explained where they were going. She was happy for Harry and promised to send a gift basket.

            Once they got to the hospital, parked and walked in, they were given visitors passes to go up to the top floor where the maternity ward was.

            "Ooo." Draco grabbed his belly as they stood in the elevator.

            "What? Pain again?" Blaise asked rubbing his back gently but Draco shook his head.

            "The baby is really active right now, I think he feels my excitement." Draco took Blaise's hand and placed it on his belly button. Blaise's eyes widened and he smiled slowly.

            "Wow she is." He gasped. "Aww she knows her little friend is arriving or has arrived." He cooed. He kissed the belly bump as the elevator dinged signaling they reached their floor.  When they got off, they marveled at the ward. It was so much different than the other floors. It had more of an upbeat and uplifting vibe to it.

            They walked over to the nurse's desk and the happy man greeted them.

            "Hello, I see your visiting, may I be of assistance?" He asked.

            "Yeah we're here to see Harry Potter." Draco answered. He looked at the book and then nodded.

            "Mister Potter is in room 394. And I see you're almost ready to deliver, may I ask when you're due?" He asked and Draco grinned rubbing his belly.

            "Six weeks." He replied. "We don't know what we're having; either gender would be great." 

            "Well congratulations." He nodded and Draco smiled at him before they walked away. They walked down the hall and turned right. The door was right there so they gently knocked.

            "Come in." Harry's voice spoke softly. It sounded tired but happy.

            When they walked in, they instantly gasped and awed. They were struck with the sight of Cedric sitting in the chair next to Harry, holding a pink little bundle. Harry was sitting up in the bed but laid back against the pillows. He looked worn but had this glow to him. "Hey guys." Harry greeted.

            "Hey Har. Look, she's so tiny." Blaise greeted and they made their way to the bed to hug him.

            "Yup, she's 6 pounds and 11 ounces. Born about half an hour ago." He smiled as he hugged his friends. Cedric side hugged them and that's when they got a good look at their daughter.

            She was beautiful. Had Harry's light olive skin, Cedric's caramel colored hair and a tiny little nose. Her eyes were closed so they couldn't tell whose she had inherited.

            "She's got my eyes." Cedric answered. "I was hoping she'd have Harry's but she's perfect."  Cedric smiled and then looked up. "My parents went downstairs to get us a gift. My mum is already basking in the grandmother life already. Cried buckets when we told her we named her Willow Anne." He laughed. "Do you wanna hold her?" He asked Draco who just nodded absently mindedly. Cedric nodded and stood up with her. She moved a bit but didn't wake up. "It'll be easier if you sit." Cedric said and Draco nodded taking Cedric's empty seat.

            Once the little pink bundle was placed in his arms, Draco's eyes welled. This wasn't his baby, he knew that but he was going to be a parent himself. He felt the connection instantly and he couldn't wait to be a dad.

Pink Lines (Blacio) (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now