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Blaise's P.O.V

            The parenting classes were coming to an end and it was very bittersweet. I was happy that we took the class and it was ending because it meant we were prepared... at least somewhat for being a parent. But I was sad because that meant we wouldn't get to see Harry and Cedric as often.

            When I brought that to the attention of Draco, he cried for at least an hour with Harry on the phone.

            We walked into the classroom and Cedric was escorting Harry to the table. He was eight months pregnant and waddled when he walked.

            "Hiya guys." Draco greeted and Harry smiled. He sat down and put his feet up. His ankles, from what I saw, were incredibly swollen.

            "Hey, how are you doing?" He asked and Draco sat down. He placed his feet next to Harry's on the cushioned seat. His ankles were starting to swell as well.

            "Alright. Baby is always active and I have to pee most of the time... I can't wait to give birth." He laughed and Harry ran a hand over his belly.

            "I understand that 110%." He sighed. "I've been having those false contractions a lot." He disclosed causing Draco to chew on his lip. I knew he was really scared about having them, he hadn't felt anything yet.

            "Do they um... are they painful?" He asked softly.

            "Yeah a bit. But you just do the breathing Molly has taught us." Harry answered. He winced a bit so Cedric started to rub his neck.

            "What's the matter?" He asked.

            "My ankles are hurting." Harry admitted so I made my way to him and started to rub them gently.

            "I do this for Draco a lot and Cedric's got your neck so I hope you don't mind." I told them and Harry sighed in content.

            "Not at all. Feels great." He hummed and Draco chuckled.

            "Blaise has wonderful hands." He told them.

            "Yes he does." I started to work a knot on his foot and he let his eyes flutter close. Draco giggled as Harry was nearly drooling.

            "Ahh you must be in heaven." Draco laughed.

            "Yes, they gotta do you next." Harry moaned and we looked at Draco who scrunched up his face.

            "It's alright." He told us but Cedric was already slowing his hand down.

            "Nonsense, we don't mind." I slowed my hands down and then we made our way to Draco who reacted just like Harry. He let his head hang back and closed his eyes.

            "Feels great, doesn't it?" Harry laughed.

            "Yes. So good." He moaned and I chuckled. I ran my hand over a known sore spot and he jerked.

            "Fuck." He cursed. "That felt amazing."

            "I'm happy to hear that." I laughed.

            We worked on him for a few more minutes before Molly clapped her hands together alerting us class was about to start.

            "Hello class." She greeted and we all greeted her back. "As you know, this is our last week and I want you all to know that you've come so far! As a wrap up, we'll be discussing everything we've learned and then using our skills on the dolls." She told us and I grinned. I liked the dolls. "Also, I would also like to announce that Jenny and Paul welcomed a baby boy last night. His name is Jackson Paul and he was 7 pounds 9 ounces." She announced and we clapped for them although they were obviously not there.  "Now the first thing we leaned was labor and delivery."

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