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Draco's P.O.V

I woke up on Christmas morning and felt a wave of giddiness over me. My mum and I had gone shopping the day prior for baby clothes and I had stored a whole bunch in my closet. I facetimed Blaise and he was very excited to see the little onesies I picked out.

I picked out ones with little sayings on them like "Little Monster" or "Home brewed". Mum also told me she got something for the baby for Christmas so I was happy to hear that.

I got out of bed and went to the bathroom before going downstairs. My parents were already in the living room, smiling happily as I made my entrance. It was a rarity that my father smiled so I just chewed on my lip and cleared my throat.

"Oh Draco." He greeted. "Good morning, Merry Christmas."

"Morning, Merry Christmas to you too, why so cheery?" I asked and he grinned.

"Just a good day." He told me and I grinned.

"Okay, can I open presents now?" I asked and my mum grinned.

"You can after you eat something. I'll make some pancakes and you sit, okay?" She said and I nodded. "How are you doing this morning?"

"I feel great actually. I'm gonna call Blaise after we open presents." I told her.

"Okay but don't forget your aunt and uncles are coming over today around one so don't be on the phone for too long."

"I won't. I'll probably also talk to him later so it's not as rushed." I told them. The real reason was I wanted to use the new toy his grandma got me and we planned to do it on Christmas.

"Okay fair enough." My mum grinned and then started pulling out ingredients to make me some pancakes. "Do you want chocolate chip or blueberry?" She asked and I pondered.

"Hmm chocolate chips sounds nice." I told her.

"Do you want some tea or juice?" She asked and I grinned.

"Juice please." I told her and she nodded. My father sat down next to me and was drinking his tea smiling like mad. I scrunched up my face, there was definitely something going on.

However, I ignored it for the time being and allowed myself to be emerged into a conversation with my parents about my studies. I was doing really well and I was top of my class. My mum made me pancakes and gave me some juice before we went into the living room for presents. I noticed there were two sets of presents.

"One is for you, the other is meant for the baby. We figured, you might not have a baby shower so we decided to help you out."

"Okay, I'll open mine first." I told them. They sat on the couch as I sat on the floor. I sat cross legged as I opened them. I received some leather bound books of my favorite novels. Tarzan, the Great Gatsby, Little Women and Of Mice and Men. Next I opened up a new laptop which was really excited about because my other one was almost broken. I got a new iPod as well and then lastly I got some new clothes that were bigger. I couldn't wear Blaise's clothes forever. "Thank you." I got up and hugged them both.

"Open the other gifts and then we have a surprise for you." My father told me and I crinkled my nose. So that's why they were so happy.

"Okay." I sat back down and tore into the presents. For the baby, I received some plain onesies that were white. I got diapers, a diaper genie to put the dirty ones in, a little bath for the baby, a little sling so I could hold the baby around me, and a car seat. I wiped my eyes discreetly as I stood up to hug them. "Thank you. Everything is very generous."

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