3 (My Shot)

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You opened the gates to the park letting you and Burr through. "After you m'lady", you told Burr in a flattering voice. He was so confused but he started laughing anyways. "You're a funny one, mocking the upperclass Englishmen. Should have seen it coming from Hercules's sister", he said while walking through. You closed the gate behind him and then linked your arm with his again.

"You sure you want to walk all the way to my spot? It's kind of a whiles walking away. More walking means more awkward conversation and sore legs", you warned, but immediately regretted saying that the conversations were awkward. Burr replied with a chuckle. "We'll just have to do a better job talking the next time we talk, right?", he asked looking slightly down towards you. It's not like he was two entire feet taller than you, you were just about 2 inches shorter. But still, apparently, it made a difference to him. "So let's do a better job now", you said trying to avoid any weirdness.

"Well, I'm part of the Continental Army. Proud member of the Revolution and quite the sharp shooter back in Quebec if I do say so myself", he said slightly bragging."Me and Hercules are from Ireland, but our accents are long gone. We sound just like the average American, you'd probably would have never guessed I'm Irish", you said while looking around to make sure you were going in the right direction.

"I would never have been able to tell", he said while shaking his head. "And about Quebec, I heard someone tried to retrieve General Montgomery's body. Is that true? I didn't think people would have the heart to something like that", you said remembering the news that was spread around about the battle. Burr hung his head low for a moment then looked back to you.

"That was me", he said with slight regret in his voice. There was a wave of grieve at that moment. You gave a sad look. "Oh", you said quietly. "That was really brave of you, Mr.Burr", you said even quieter so he hopefully wouldn't hear you.

"Thank you", he simply said. "No one ever really gives me praise for things that I've done such as that." The two of you kept walking forward. With small leaves crunching under your feet and the small
breeze that blew your hair slightly, you could say that this was the most peaceful evening in New York City. The sun was starting to set with purple clouds surrounding it in the distance.

After a long walk you could see a glistening pond with a bench infront of it. You knew this area. That specific pond was your landmark on finding your spot. It also let other people know that the edge of the park was there at the bench.

'I wonder what Hercules is doing right about now. I hope he's not drunker than what he usually is when we go down to that bar', you thought to yourself. If there's one thing you knew, it was that your brother was "outgoing" in many ways. Mostly bad ways.


"I AM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT", Laurens yelled with all of his friends as they exited the bar and into the busy New York City streets. Most people joined in for the cause of the Revolution. Hundreds of people ranting together enforcing the rebellion. " I'M JUST LIKE MY COUNTRY, I'M YOUNG SCRAPPY AND HUNGRY AMD IM NOT THROWING AWAY MY SHOT!" Alexander looked away for a moment, stopping in his tracks.

Laurens looked over to Hamilton seeing if he was okay. "I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory", he suddenly said with his head low. "When's it gonna get me? In my sleep? A mile away from me?", he asked unknowingly facing the direction of a park.


"Miss. Mulligan?", Burr said waving a hand across your face. You were back to reality and away from your thoughts fantasising over Hercules being so drunk, he praises the King for his kindness. If he ever did something as stupid as that, for every dollar the King has you'd slap him.

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