Parkland School Shooting

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No, this is not a chapter. This is more important than a chapter.

This afternoon, 17 were confirmed killed in a school shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

I can not image what those young men and women could have been thinking during the attack. From the families to the faculty staff, they all need our prayers and condolences on the issue. I don't want to go on about what we should do to improve the second Amendment. I want to bring us all together in a time of mourning and grieving.

To anyone out there who was a victim or knows someone who was or was in the line of fire, you have my deepest sympathy and you have my word that I will pray for you.

For anyone who has not yet heard the news, I suggest you go to a professional news website for the most accurate information for your benefit. However, here is what happened in basic terms from based on the evidence I've gathered. According to NBC News, one teacher and two outsiders of the school were shot and killed with the remaining fourteen victims being students at approximately 2:40 in the afternoon, February 14, 2018. The accused 19 year old shooter, Nikolas Cruz, had gone to the victimized school, but was expelled later on. He was described as "'quiet'" but also "'concerning'" by previous teachers. The Governor of Florida stated that the incident was "pure evil" and that it was truly unacceptable to the country and the People.

American President Donald J. Trump tweeted:

"My prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible Florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an American school."

My prayers are out to all on this day.




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