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(This is actually it)

July 29

"I think it's a great idea."

You were still shaky on the thought of going with the Schuylers away to their upstate mansion. From recent evaluation, you were going to Albany and not Philadelphia as planned. You went to Will for advice on the matter, and he just showered you with support. (A little to enthusiastically for your liking)

"It's not like I know them that well, Will."

"But you can finally take a break, right? You certainly need one."

You narrowed your eyes at him before turning away in your stool. You scratched a part of your pulled back hair and shifted your boots before responding. "I just don't see the damn point. You've known me for a while now. You know how I work."

"C'mon! What'll you miss? School starting back up for local students​?"
He had a point. You sighed and tipped him. "I'm gonna go be lazy on my day off somewhere else," you said with a huff. Will let out a breath. "Gosh, you're so persistent."

You stood up and downed your drink. Will oddly watched you do so. "Speaking of Schuylers and margaritas, do you think you could slip my name to the youngest?" "Definitely not." "Seriously?! Are​ you sure?"

"Help me pack my crap tomorrow and I'll consider."

At six in the evening the next day the front door swung open. "What exactly took you so long?!" Will looked at your unimpressed expression on your stairs. "I literally give booze to people." You started up the stairs. "A carriage will be coming by here within the hour. I need you to pick up the pace for me."

Will blinked before following you. "W-Within the hour?! That's not enough time!" You opened the door to your living area that was cluttered with a mound of unpacked clothing. You then sat in one of your armchairs and began to sort through your frocks and suits. After noticing him just stand there, you drowned at will. "You want a date with the pretty one or not?"

He worked like a dog after you said that.

"Wait, Herc made all of these?" "Yep." "Wow." Will laughed nervously while holding a gown. "Your brother always was really cool..." You scoffed to yourself. "Too bad he's in the middle of a war." Will looked up at you.

"Are you on your cycle or something? You've been really bitter lately."

You coughed, taken back by his outburst. "That's uncalled for." You pulled another pair of pants into your "muscular​ suitcase", and started to fold a dress. "I didn't mean for it to sound-" "Look, it's fine." You looked up at him. "Really," you said with a small smile and quickly looked down.

Another thirty minutes of silence passed before you found yourselves​finished packing the large pile of clothes. You grabbed the dress you left you behind you and pulled it on over your original attire- a basic white shirt and trousers. You put on some shoes before checking to see if anyone was outside from your window.


You went back and put the clothes you set out to wear for the next few days in your bedroom. By the time you got back you could hear the galloping of horses come to a stop in front of your building. You gasped before jogging out to grab your suitcases. You stopped when you saw Will carry them all down the thirteen steps. "Alrighty then," you mumbled to yourself. You followed him down the stairs and ran ahead of him to get the door for him.

The servant hopped off the front driver's seat and loaded your luggage into the carriage carefully. You held your confusion in at the sight of her being a woman. When she was finished, she dusted her plain colored dress off and turned to you.

The Unoriginal (Aaron Burr x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now