5 (The Schuyler Sisters)

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Dear Theodosia,

I am 100% with you on your decision to be a patriot on the Colonists' side. It makes me feel humble inside knowing that you're showing your Independence whether people accept it from women or not. Theo, you've always been so shy and proper around new people and when you'd be around me, you rant but stutter to find your words. I'm sure General Washington would love to seize the opportunity to use the house as a base. It'll show that (excuse my language, my dear) piece of shit for a dumbass Redcoat husband you have. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the last time I checked, the asshole was a prejudice slavery enforcer too. Maybe that's why the fucktard loves Georgia so much.
Be strong, Theodosia. You're my best friend and I love you so very much.
Stay alive for me out there.


You put the letter in a drawer and slump into bed without thinking. You were out fast.


You woke up early in the morning. 4:31 to be exact. You jumped out of bed, not wasting a minute. What all did it matter anyways? You slept in your clothes from yesterday so there's no need to waste your time changing into a dress just to bake. You raced down the stairs to the kitchen and washed your hands. Then you quickly got all the ingredients you'd need to make all of the goods that needed to be prepared today. "Let's get rOLLLIIIIIING!", you yelled while repeatedly slamming two rolling pins on the counter.


The sun was in the sky. It was 9:43 in the morning and you just got done finishing preparing your bakery for opening at 10:00. The chairs were set and pushed in, the baked goods were in the display case ready for customers, and the decorations were on point.The only thing left that needed to be fixed was you.

First off: You're wearing men's clothing
Second: You had ingredients all over you. There was flour all over your face..
Third: You needed a wash.

You raced upstairs and quickly bathed. Once you were finished with that you put on a blue dress, but then you tripped on it and feel down the stairs.

A curse came out of your mouth whenever you landed on a step. This continued until you slammed face first into the door to the bakery.

"TODAY'S JUST A FINE DIDDLY DARN MORNING CAUSE I'M JUST SO DAMN ECSTATIC THAT HAPPENED!" You rubbed your head and pulled yourself up with the door handle. You turned around and let your back rest against the door putting your weight on it. You sighed and let out a groan.

"The fuck?" That was definitely Herc's voice. His footsteps could be heard and they were coming closer and closer to the door.

"No bro, wait-"

He opened the door and you fell and your head landed right on his boots. "Oh my shit! (Y/N), are you okay?!", he asked getting down and holding your head in his hands. "Just...dandy", you said while trying to lift yourself up with your elbows. Hercules put his hands on your waist lifting you up in the air facing him. You gave a shitty look to his boots and looked back up to him.

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