Testing 1, 2, 3 (Parent!Lock)

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This was originally supposed to be published on Mothers Day but I got lazy so here you go!


"Ben!  Loo!  Get back here now and Benedict Holmes put your pants back on!"

A young woman with hair pulled back in a sloppy bun chased after two young children.  The girl, with straight dark hair pulled back into pigtails, was excitedly following an odd-looking spatter of red on the floor.  The boy trailed behind her lazily, his pants hanging over one shoulder and a shock of curly brown hair sticking up in all directions.

"But we have to find Dad, Momma!"  The girl cried, bending down to closer inspect a rather large pool of the red liquid.

The young woman, Molly, sighed, eyeing the trail suspiciously.  She knew Sherlock loved to test their children, leading little trails and constructing mazes and such for them to find him but the children needed to get to school and her fuse was running short. 

"Loo you need to get to school," Molly said, exasperation rimming her tone.  The little girl shook her head promptly.

"Find Daddy, then school."  Molly sighed, eyeing her twins.  Loo had taken on puppy dog eyes and a pouty look in her dark brown eyes while Ben just looked bored.  Molly finally groaned.

"Fine, find your father but then we're going immediately to school!"  Loo let out a whoop and was back to inspecting the trail.  Ben adjusted his pants from their place on top of his head, his icy blue eyes blinking lazily.

Molly shook her head, tugging her hair out of its bun as she sighed and made her way to the kitchen to prepare the twins' lunches.  Suddenly, a large hand wrapped around her waist as another clamped over her mouth, pulling her into the shoe closet.  Molly let out a muffled yelp as she submerged into darkness.

"Shh, Molly.  Watch this," she heard a familiar voice whisper in her ear.  Molly let out a small groan.

"Sherlock," she whispered, "what are you doing in the shoe closet?  Ben and Loo need to get to school!"

"So what," Sherlock whispered back, "so they can learn things I could easily teach them at a much slower rate than what I'm capable of?"

Molly rolled her eyes, "for the last time Sherlock, we agreed.  They'll go to school until they're-"

"-seven then I get to homeschool them yes I know I know."

Molly gave a prompt nod, "then keep our deal."

"Or else what?"  Molly sighed, she could only imagine the cocky look that was plastered on her husband's face.

"Or else-" Molly stopped when she felt Sherlock begin to kiss her neck.  "No- Sherlock!"  He laughed, his hands wrapping around her waist and pulling her in closer. 

"Just watch them," he whispered in her ear.  Molly let out an exasperated sigh but reluctantly turned her gaze outside the slitted door, Sherlock following her eyes with his head resting on her shoulder.

It wasn't long before Loo came into view, followed by Ben who looked like he was going to topple over asleep at any moment.

"I told you he wouldn't be at the end of the trail, we have to find something else," Ben said, his voice monotonous.

"Well I can see that now," Loo snapped, her eyes glued to the red trail, "but now Momma's gone too.  We have to find her and Dad!"  Ben just shrugged.

"Then let's get working!"  Loo gave him a prompt nod and they followed the trail elsewhere, however their voices drifted throughout the house.

"We have to find a common place where the trail intersects, it's totally random!"  Loo's voice floated into Molly and Sherlock's ears.

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