Chapter 8

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Louis point of view

I look to Ariel who is calm, too calm. She raises her finger up to her mouth. I don't know what to say. I did tell him that but that was before beau. I hate being stuck in the middle.

"Why are you up so early?" I change the subject.

"You know I can't sleep. She's always on my mind. What she's doing who she's with." He responds. I asked the wrong question.

"Hey how about we talk about this at my house." I say. I just want him off of the phone.

"Sure. I'll head there now." We say out goodbyes and he hangs up. My heart beats loud as I wait for Ariels response.

"I'm going with you ." She says. I almost crash into the car in front of us.

"I thought you didn't want to see him?" I ask. She bites her lower lip.

"I don't. But I want to hear what he says. I'll hide somewhere." She answers. She starts playing with her fingers.

"Ariel..don't do this to yourself. I'll talk to him if you really don't want him in your life." I say trying to convince her. She shakes her head.

"No I need to hear what he truly wants to say. If he sees my face he'll start saying random stuff. Stuff he knows I'd want to hear. He's going to be more honest with you." She answers. She has a point. He could be more honest to be than her. Maybe if she hears this is could help her decision on what to do.

"He's headed to my house already. What if he's there when we get there?" I ask. I feel bad for doing this but it will help both of them.

"Distract him while I hide in your closet. " she says. They really do have the same minds. I nod and gulp down some saliva.

When we get to my house Niall or his car are no where to be seen. Ariel hurrys into my room and makes it to the closet. Not long after Niall knocks on my door. I feel like I could pass out with all this nervousness.

"Hey. Come in let's go to my room." I say. He walks into my room and I kind of want to pull him away and tell him to go home.

"Okay so I've thought about it long and hard. Ariel might be happy with him but her and I have way more history. We were in love. Even in her most vulnerable time I was still with her. She may not remember that but her cousins did! Why would they believe I did that! She doesn't remember it but we all know that I would never do that. After all she's been through. After all we've been through? Really?" He says. I feel bad for him. He has been through so much. He's stuck by her side. I want to tell him so much but Ariel is listening.

"So? Any lectures?" He says. He's out of breath. He didn't take one while he was talking.

"Uh.." I begin. Ariel opens the closet door and Niall looks back at me. He's very angry.

"Louis what are these?" She asks. They're the papers and diary entries that Niall gave to me. All the information of Jodie and Eric are there. I look back and Niall. He has now went from angry to terrified.

Nialls point of view

"They're mine." I blurt out. That's the stupidest thing I've ever said.

"Take off your shirt!" She yells at me. I'm taken aback. I don't understand where she's getting at.

"No." I say. She walks up to me and lift my shirt. I feel her hand touch my stomach and I feel electricity. I haven't touched her in such a long time.

She lifts it up and scoffs. "Didn't think so." She says. I look at Louis who is just as confused. She backs away slowly.

"...he cut me today. It wasn't as bad as my birthday. He left it in the shape of a butterfly for some reason. I guess this one won't scar up as bad as the other ones." She reads off one of the papers. She can't possibly know it's her.

"I have that scar! I have a million other scars too! It's me!" She cries. I walk up to hug her but she pulls away. "No! No! I want to know what happened to me! Why am I getting all these flashbacks!" She screams. She's holding all the papers up. I need to get them back before she reads more.

I quickly walk up to her and pull them away from her. She's clearly shocked and tries to take them back. I hand them to Louis and he puts it behind his back.

"Louis give it to me." She slowly says. He shakes his head. I can tell it's hard for him to do this to her. She's still sobbing and both of us are hiding this from her. She already thinks I betrayed her but Louis was there for her when I wasn't "Lou..." she whispers. She's begging him but he won't look at her.

"It's not time yet princess. We will tell you but not yet. You don't even know if it's you. " he says. Her features are changing from angry to just betrayed.

"It's me Louis. I know it is. Please tell me. Or at least give me the papers back." She says. She puts her hand out and looks right at Louis. She's a mess inside I can tell. I remember when we took photos for photography and she looked like she had it all together but she didn't.

"Princess.." he starts to say. She drops herself to the floor and hugs his knees.

"Louis. I'm in pain everyday because of this. Something is itching at me every second of the day. I'm miserable everyday. I'll never be completely happy without them." She looks up at him. Louis lets a tear drop from his eyes. He's going to give in but he looks at me. I shake my head.

If she reads it all at once she'll want questions. She'll want to know who they are and she will look for them. We have to explain it to her slowly and careful.

Ariel drops her head and sobs. She then gets up and looks at me.

"I will never love you again. And I will never trust you. So get out of my life and stay the fuck out." She growls. She's never been this mad. I've really heart this time. Now I've really ruined my chances.

She runs out and Louis and I stay in silence. He finally takes a loud breath. He wipes his tears away and grabs his phone.

"I need to call zaida." He quietly says. I nod and head out to my car. She's never going to take me back.

I think I've lost Ariel forever.

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