Chaper 25

35 1 0

Ariels point of view

"Why isn't he here!" I say to myself. Beau said he was going to be a little late not two whole hours.

"Ariel!" I hear someone call my name. I haven't taken another drink since my first one. It isn't as bad as I thought it would be but it's still pretty gross. Zaida taps my shoulder and says something.

"What!?" I scream. The music is really loud, I can't even hear my own throats.

"We're going to play a game!" She shouts again. She points at one of my living rooms and smiles. Everyone is there I look at my front door again to see if maybe beau shows up. I frown and walk towards them. The music is less loud their. I can actually hear what they're trying to say. I sit on an old couch sam found outside for people to sit on.

"Hey girl." Dee says. I didn't even know she was here.

"Hi." I quietly say. I don't know if she knows about Niall and I. I don't want her to hate me because of it. She's really scary and intimidating. I turn around towards the door one more time. Still no sign of beau, and no text message either.

"Relax Ariel. He'll be here." Sam sits me down. I can tell she's buzzed right now. Liam is completely wasted. Aniha is on the verge of being drunk and Harry is too. Louis is drinking too but I'm not sure what and zaida has had the same watermelon cooler in her hands for hours. It keeps people away from telling her to drink.

Niall is drinking beer but I don't know if he's buzzed or drunk. He's really quiet and hasn't really done much to show his level of alcohol. There are some other people around us that are playing with us but I don't recognize them.

"Okay so this game is dare or shot. Basically we dare you to do something and if you don't do it you take a shot. The riskier the dare the more shots you get." Dee says. She's holding vodka in her hands. I don't think I'm ready for that.

"Lets start with the birthday boy!" Sam shouts.

"Who's that?" Liam asks. I laugh at his seriousness. It's not his birthday but we've told him over and over that we did it earlier as a bigger surprise.

"You silly." Sam kisses his lips. He spins the bottle on the middle and it stops at Louis.

"Louis!" He shouts. He almost falls back but Niall supports his back with his arm.

"I dare you to..." he stops to think. "To do the chicken dance!" Liam laughs. I think it was funnier in his head. Louis shrugs and dances in front of us. We all laugh and he sits next to zaida. Louis spins and it stops at zaida.

"Ouhhh." He playfully smirks. It's not that I can tell he's buzzed. "I dare you to lick my ear." He tells zaida. Zaida does what he asks and he closes his eyes as she does that.

"Ew you nasty!" Aniha slurs. She won't remember this in the morning. Zaida spins and it stops at sam.

"Sam Sammy sam." Zaida begins. "I dare you to pants someone!" Zaida laughs. Everyone gasps but then starts encouraging her. Sam
Walks up to the biggest guys she finds and pants him. He turns around angrily and looks around. I frown, that was kind of a mean dare.

Sam laughs when she comes back and I look back at the guy. He doesn't seem fazed anymore and is now sucking someone face off. Sam spins the bottle and it lands on dee. Dee smirks like she's been waiting for it.

"Deena I dare you to kiss a stranger." Sam says. She doesn't really know her but picked a risky dare anyways. She looks around the room, her eyes stopping at Niall. I hiccup as she crawls towards him. I look down and the tequila bottle.

"Over there." Sam quickly corrects herself. I look up at her and she winks at me. I look at Niall who looks relieved that she's not looking at him anymore. A smile is placed on my face, he looks up at me and I quickly shake it off. We watch as dee grabs a random guys and starts making out with him. I can't imagine her doing that to Niall. Again my eyes wonder to Niall who is still looking at me. I look at him and then deena.

She brings the guys back to us. "He's playing now. Later he's playing with me." She winks at him. I open my mouth in shock. I thought she was with Niall. He doesn't seem fazed by it at all. He doesn't even look their direction.

I quickly shake those thoughts away. I shouldn't even be thinking about Niall. He's nothing to me. Dee spins the bottle and it lands on Niall.

"Interesting. Niall I dare you to kiss Ariel." She surprises me. Liam gasps in shock. I want to laugh at him because he's acting so weird right now. I also want to run away. Why would she do that? I'm sure Niall told him about us.

"I have a boyfriend." I say. Niall looks hurt, I ignore it. I'm not going to cheat on my boyfriend for a dare.

"Then take a shot." She smirks. I don't know where she's getting at but it's frustrating me. Is she my friend or not. "Take three." She finishes. I just had my first drink ever two hours ago. I won't be able to take a shot. I look at Niall who is waiting for my answer. I want to kiss him. It's wrong for me to even think this but I miss his lips.

I look at his lips that are pink and plump. He parts them a little and takes my breath away. Anything he does can really get me going. Finally I grab a shot bottle and brace myself. I put it to my lips and can already taste it. The smell is strong enough to get me buzzed. Everyone is watching as I take the drink. It's burns my throat. It feels like spicy air. I cough and try not to throw up as I take it. Deena and her new guy laugh at me.

"You don't have to take another one Ariel. One is enough." Niall says. He's hurt. Not as hurt as I was when he left me. Not as hurt as reading those letter to try to get him out of my mind. I take the other shot, this time my brain and tongue expect it so it's a lot worse. I try not to throw it back up.

"That's enough Ariel. Two will get you through the night." Louis tries taking the last cup from me. I jerk my hand away from him and take the last one.

"There." I say. I feel some liquid drip down the corner of my mouth. Niall looks so hurt and betrayed but I had to do it. He has to know that we are never going to happen again.

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