Chapter 91

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Nialls point of view.

It's just me and him. No one notices him, other than me. Louis has gone to tell the police here, I just have to stall him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as he walks slowly towards me.

"This isn't a business party son, did you lie to me?" He asks. He looks stressed, good. I want him to be miserable.

"I never said I was going to them." I say. My dad scoffs and looks around.

"A baptism? Do you even have friends that have kids?" He asks. Louis is behind him, he gives me a thumbs up.

"Yes actually. Zayn and Delilah." I say. His ears perk up at the sound of their names.

"It's actually a reunion. Louis, Zaida, Liam,sam, Harry, Aniha and..." I pause.

"Ariel, we're all here?" His face goes from confused to plain scared.

"What did you just say?" He asks. The music has now stopped and everyone is looking at us. There's a baby crying in the distant, when I look that direction. Ariel is walking down the stairs with Leon, my son.

"You know what I'm talking about. Kidnapping us! And injecting us with memory loss liquid! Separating us! You almost killed Ariel! You- you almost killed my son!" I yell. My fathers faces pales up even more. Jane gasps in the background. I haven't told her about Leon.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" My father shouts. "We will talk about this at home! Take him boys and grab his fiancée too!" My dad orders the security guards. Before they touch me I hear Ariels voice in the back.

"Hey!" She shouts. Everyone turns to look at her walk towards us. She's holding Leon in her arms. I told her to hide while I distracted and put my father behind bars.

"Ariel, go back inside room!" I say. She shakes her head and walks right passed my dad and I front of me.

"I'm not afraid of you." She says. My dad walks closer to us. I grab Ariels arm and pull her towards me.

"Who's this?" My dad asks. He's referring to the baby.

"My son." I simply answer. My dad scoffs and then starts to laugh. He looks at everyone around him, expecting them to laugh with him.

"You don't know what you're talking about. This bastard-" he stops when Ariel slaps him across the face. I grab her arm again and pull her behind me. I don't want him to touch her or Leon.

"This is exactly why I did it! You don't know what's good for you! I made your life easier! I had to do what I had to do to save our family from poverty!" My father yells. Louis sends in the officers.

"The only thing you did was save us from you!" I say. My father turns to look at the officers and backs away. He reaches his hands out and grabs Ariel and Leon. I don't move, I don't want him to hurt either of them.

Everyone around us takes a step in. My father turns Ariel around to face all of us. He has one hand hugging her and one behind her  I'm getting nervous. When he turns around Ariel jumps on his feet. He kneels down and groans.

Ariel quickly runs to me and hands me Leon, who is now crying from all the noise. I hold him tight and let him cry into chest.

"You tricked me son." My father says. Ariel is turned away from him, paying attention to Leon. The police walk slowly behind him and grab both his hands and put it behind him.

The police struggle to take him out. He's screaming and kicking saying I'll regret this and that this isn't over. I still feel like there's something in the air. Something really bad.

I feel Ariel putting all her weight on me and then I hear her grunt.

"What's wrong?" I ask her. She's sweating, her cheeks are really red. Leon begins to cry again and then he puts his hands out for her. She shakes her head and grabs on to my arm, trying not to fall down.

"Ariel." My voice shakes as I try to help her up. I call for Louis and he runs over. I give him Leon and focus on Ariel.

"Ariel what's wrong babe." I say. She struggles to keep her eyes open.

"I- It hurts." She whines. She puts pressure on her back. Louis tries to calm Leon as he cries. He's still looking at Ariel.

"W-what's wrong?" I ask again. I grab her arms but she just squeezes my arms.

"Help." She whines. I carry her and run outside where the police men are at. They're questioning my father.

"Help! Call an ambulance!" I yell. I look at my father who's smirking. The police car is still open, my dad drops something and I notice it's a small needle.

"No, no!" I yell. The police men take Ariel from me. I hear sirens in the background. My only focus is on my father.

"Niall stop!" Louis pulls my shoulder back.

"Don't do anything or you could be thrown in jail. Leon won't have a father anymore." He says. I hold back all my anger and grab Leon from Louis hands. I walk back to the ambulance where Ariel is surrounded by paramedics.

One of them gets off the truck and huffs.

"She'll be fine. He just stabbed her to close to one of her bones. We're lucky it didn't paralyze her." He says.

"What did he inject her with?" I ask.

"Nothing, he just stabbed her with the needle." He explains.

"Why was she hot and sweating?" I ask, still not satisfied with his answers. He sighs.

"She got stabbed sir. The body reacts differently when that happens. The needle got in pretty deep. But we didn't find anything enter her body." He says. I nod. Leon is now asleep on my shoulders. He's holding on tight to my tux.

"Why does she keep getting hurt?" I ask Louis.

"Because she always takes the hit for someone else. First it was Esme, then you and then your baby. Which by the way is a clone of you." He says. He plays with his barley there hair.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asks.

"Relieved. My dad will be put away for years. I have Ariel and my friends back, and I have this very handsome ,like his father, baby that's half me half Ariel." I say.

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