Chapter 11

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Ariels point of view

"Bye girls. I'll see you tomorrow." I wave at them. I need to see Louis.

"Zaida!" I call out to her. She turns around and walks up to me.

"Do you mind Louis and I spending time with each other. I mean I know you heard what I did and I want to make it up to him. I just don't want you to think that we're doing anything bad." I say. She giggles.

"Totally. I trust both of you. Besides he tells me how much he misses you anyways. And also thanks for what you did at the restaurant." She smiles. I love her. She may be younger than I but she's way more mature in the hear and mind. She hugs me and playfully slaps my butt. That's the zaida I know.

I turn around. I shouldn't call Louis right now. I should give him some time.

I decide to call beau instead.

"Hey babe." His voice is groggy. I think he's been sleeping.

"Were you sleeping?" I ask. I've been with my cousins all day. I didn't even realize it was almost 12.

"Yeah." He chuckles. "It's okay I wanted to hear your voice." He says. His voice is is getting clearer.

"I missed you." I say. I feel wrong for having feelings for two different guys at the same time.

"Why don't you come over then? My mums out for a week." He says. I can hear his voice becoming excited.

"Yeah that would be perfect." I smile. The more I'm with beau the more I'll stay away from Niall. I pack my things for the morning, I have to be at work early. It takes me three minutes to get to his apartment buildings. Beau literally lives right under Louis apartment. I park my car and run to the buildings. It's dark and I get scared of being in the dark alone.

"It's ok. It's ok. It's ok." I say as I walk up the stairs. I'm on my last set of stairs when I bump into something. My bag falls down all rolls down.

"I'm sorry." I say. My face feels hot. "I wasn't looking-" I say. I look up to see who it is.

"Oh." I say. Both Niall and Louis are looking at me. I walk down to grab my bag. I hope they walk passed me.

"What are you doing here so late?" Louis asks. I look at beaus house and then back again. He mouths an "o". I look at Niall who is staring at me. Why did this have to happen this very second.

"What are you doing?" I ask Louis. I'm facing him but I'm hoping Niall answers. They're dressed up like they're going out somewhere.

"We're going to face time Zayn and Delilah. They're choosing The Godfather for their daughter and for some reason they wanted us dressed up at Harry's house." Louis says. I lift an eyebrow, how weird is that. Then again we are in different time zones.

"Ok. Uh- well have fun." I say. I look walk past them. I'm too embarrassed to keep talking to them. I have to say something, I have to apologize to the both of them.

I make it up to the last step and turn around. They're both still looking at me. Way to make it awkward. I say in my head.

"Louis, can I talk to you tomorrow?" I ask. Niall looks away and bites his lip. Louis pats his back and smiles at me.

"You- you too. Niall." I say. As the words leave my mouth I feel something unexplainable. He looks up at me and it's like we have a connection. I want to run up to him and just hug him. I want to feel him.

"Yeah. Sure!" He says. A big smile is plastered on his face. Louis smiles even wider than before. I smile at the both of them. My smile is weak as I still feel embarrassed. I walk to beaus door and knock.

"I didn't order any pizza." Beau says. I laugh at his joke. He pulls me in for a hug and a kiss. I turn to close the door behind me, Louis and Niall are still looking at me. This time nialls smile is gone. I shake it off and close the door completely.

Beau surprises me by carrying me to his room. I try to fight it but that just makes him grab on to me tighter. He gently throws me on his bed. I giggle as throws himself on top of me.

"Where have you been stranger?" He asks. I'm paying with his hair as he look at me.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy." I say. Beau and I used to talk every second of everyday. I know that right now Niall is distracting me from. I'm distracting myself with my stupid tantrums.

"With who?" Beau asks. His eyes so curious.

"Well Aniha and sam came by today so I hung out with them all day." I explain. He nods, but he still has a frown on his face.

I pull his chin to me and kiss his lips. "I love you." I say. He smiles wide. Like he just got the greatest news in the world.

"Ewww!" I hear two voices yell out. I laugh at the twins who are listening to us.

"Go back to sleep!" I yell back. Beau laughs and we wait until both door close to their room.

"Do you work tomorrow?" I ask him.

"Yup early in the morning." He say. I frown at him.

"If you work early you should've been sleeping." I pout.

"I was sleeping babe. But I heard something crash and looked outside and saw you were talking to...people." He says. He looks away when he says people. I know he was hurt that Niall was there.

"Oh, I'm sorry for waking you up." I simply say. Just like zaida beau knows that Louis and I are best friends. He never worried about him but now that Niall is back I can tell he's getting more protective.

"What do you need to talk to them about?" He asks me. He shifts his body to face me and rests his head on his hand.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow." I say. He nods and cuddles into me. I snuggle into his neck and let the darkness takeover.

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