RP Ideas again

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So dang many

A bunch of people go to a scare attraction where all the crazy and brutal things are very real and the only way out is to finish it without dying

101 Ways To Die
A house full of 'crazy' people who are mostly normals thrown in with crazies for multiple reasons and go through hell and back to get out and to their normal lives

This would have A lot to do with racism and maybe a little bit of sexism. Basically this hella racist world where every race is separated and each race has the royalties who everyone hates. At night these group of people, usually all girls, switch the time line to a more back then thing by doing a grand performance with singing and some dancing. Then re same group in the morning makes it more futuristic. Anyway, some person starts messing up all the time lines and changing it whenever they want, also destroying the racism barriers (Like destroying white cafes so they have to go to black ones hah) and some people are wondering if it's actually a bad thing

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