parks and wreck

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This isn't mine but I can't remember who's it is but I'm obsessed with parks and rec and I thought it'd be cute for a shawn imagine Idk okay creds to Tumblr user I guess. It's a long one!


You were actually yawning in the middle of the day, the time you were usually the most hyper. There was literally nothing to do and nowhere to go. Leslie was off somewhere, April was in her usual "don't bother me" mood, Ron was locked in his office with a gun, and you really didn't notice Gerry sitting at his desk half-asleep.
You heard a strange rolling in the hallway and perked up, a smile growing on your face. "Y/n!" Shawn called, skating into the big room, flipping over the desk and standing quickly up, smiling at you.
You laughed, making your way over to him. "Just the person I wanted to see. What're you doing here?"
He tried to suppress his smile, holding out an upside-down fake badge. "Burt Macklin. FBI. We have a case!"
You smiled, nodding and reaching out to shake his hand, "Y/F/N Y/L/N, Parks and Recreation. What seems to be the problem?"
He took your hand, pulling you towards him and holding onto you, "someones kidnapped Leslie. We have to go find her!"
You held back your laugh, nodding, "Leslie! Come on, let's go!"
He smiled, turning and squatting down. You hopped on his back, laughing as he skated towards the exit and outside, where he almost fell forward with you on his back.
"What do we do first, Agent Macklin?" You asked, putting on your sunglasses and sitting outside of Ann's house.
"Ann here hangs around with our- victim- a lot. We're gonna go in there, guns firing." He said, slipping on his own shades.
You held up your fingers in the shape of a gun, nodding, "let's do this."
You each stepped towards the door, ringing the bell and waiting patiently for a moment as Ann hurried to answer. You held up your finger-guns, squinting your eyes behind the dark glasses. "What are you two doing-"
"We're the ones asking questions here, Ms. Perkins!" Shawn yelled, holding his "gun" up at her. You did the same, raising your head slightly and staring at her.
"That's right! Now get in the house! Move!" You said, poking her shoulder with your "gun".
She backed away, her eyebrows furrowing. "Um... Okaaaay...?"
Shawn smirked, pushing her gently onto the couch. "Where's Leslie Knope!?" He asked, kneeling in front of her. You kept your "gun" trained on her head, standing with your feet spread slightly apart.
"Leslie? She's doing stuff for-" Ann tried, but was quickly interrupted.
"So you know the victim!" Shawn yelled, nodding smugly and looking at you, "then tell us, Ann-if thats even you're real name-Perkins- where she is!"
She raised her eyebrows, sighing, "She's at city-hall-"
"Aha!" You shouted, slowly backing away, "come on, Macklin. Let's go!"
He nodded, joining you at the door. "You better hope she's there, or we're coming to get- er- arrest you!"
Ann nodded slowly, pressing her lips together, "I'll be here...? I think?"
You had to walk, considering that Shawn had locked the car with the keys still inside. "You know," you said with a shrug, "I'm not so bored anymore."
"Well, desk jobs do do that to people..." he said, smiling awkwardly and poking you.
"Who says I have a desk job? Maybe I'm a secret undercover spy-" you laughed, but stopped as Shawn began to widen his eyes. You smiled to yourself, continuing quickly, "working incognito in the parks department!"
He raised an eyebrow, "then why would you be telling me?"
You thought for a moment, "to throw you off! Why would a spy tell you they're a spy? If I tell you-"
He looked at you, confused, "you can't fool Burt Macklin!" he yelled, reaching over and pulling you towards him, pressing his lips hard against yours. You melted into him, and he smiled. "Nope, you're just my Y/n."
You rolled your eyes, pulling yourself away, "that's what you think..."
He smiled, folding his fingers into yours, swinging your arms back and forth.
You both stood outside of City Hall, back to back, "guns" held to the sides of your faces. You received quite a few odd looks from various passers-by, but you couldn't find it in you to pay attention to them with Shawn pressed against you in the way he was. You heard him make little gun noises with his mouth as you two slowly spun in circles, and the corners of your lips began to rise.
"When do we move in?" You asked, ducking to avoid an invisible bullet.
"We wait for them to come to us!" he said, holding out his hands as you turned again. "And then we save Leslie!"
You giggled, turning and jumping up onto his back, "you be the car."
He laughed, tucking his gun away in an imaginary holster. He vroomed and squealed, holding onto your thighs as he ran around like a child at a busy playground. "Hold on tight, Y/n!" You made siren sounds, smiling wide and squinting your eyes.
You squeezed your arms around his neck, laughing out loud as he came to an abrupt stop- Leslie had just walked out of the building. "Leslie!" You shouted, hopping off of him and running towards her, Shawn struggling to remain close behind.
"Y/n?" She asked, stopping in her tracks, "what are you doing here?"
You smiled, pointing towards a panting Shawn, "we were bored today.
And you were kidnapped! So we went looking for you. And here you are!"
Shawn walked up next to you, still breathing heavily, a little bit of sweat lining his forehead. He held out his badge again, "Burt Macklin, FBI. You're safe now, Ms. Knope!"
She smiled, walking with you two back towards the sidewalk, "so how'd you guys find me?"
You spoke first, a proud smile spreading across your cheeks, "Ms. Ann Perkins was rather helpful."
Shawn smiled, "but really it was our brilliance and crime-fighting skills! Or mine, really. Mmmmm- nope. Hers."
You laughed, reaching over and giving Shawn a well-deserved high-five. You made to punch the air, "that's right. Burt Macklin and Y/F/N Y/L/N, crime fighters!"
Leslie smiled, walking quickly down the sidewalk, "that's great, you guys! Would you mind escorting me back to the parks department?"
You smirked, "no problem, Ms. Knope!"
Shawn agreed, putting his glasses back on and pulling out his "gun."
You sat at home with Shawn, munching on popcorn and sharing a tall glass of cold soda. You cuddled up next to him while he watched TV, staring intently at his badge. He had one arm around you, holding you against him.
"Hey, Agent Macklin?" you asked innocently, smiling up at him.
He looked down at you, the corners of his lips rising, "yes?"
"I'm bored."
He smirked, quickly shutting the TV off and pushing you onto your back. "I think I know how to solve this case."
You bit your lips, holding your hands up against him. "Don't- oh god- Shawn!" You shouted as he began to tickle you, his hands moving all over your body. You kicked at him, making him roll off the couch, you landing on top of him.
He laughed, out of breath, "today has been a workout."
You smiled, leaning down and kissing him, "I suppose it has been. I think Burt Macklin deserves a nap. Can I have my Shawn back?"
He reached up and pushed your hair behind your ears, "I guess so."
You nodded, standing up and pulling him along with you. "Come on, then, Shawn. Let's do something"

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