Story #50: When My Shift Ends

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AUTHOR: iwearheelys



When former beauty pageant queen, Ellie Wilde, hears of her grandmother's sickness, she's the first to offer to drive her to her chemotherapy. What she didn't know she was agreeing to was an obnoxiously cheerful blond boy somehow nudging his way into her life. 

A Wattpad Featured Novel 

©iwearheelys, all rights reserved.



So I just literally just finish this and I thought hell be damn, I'll finish cleaning my room after this cause I badly need to write this. I badly need to.

Okay. First of all I cried cause when do I not ever cry about this type of Stories. When?

I was three Chapters left when I told myself that I need to finish cleaning my room first but then I realized that I can never finish cleaning my room in records time. I never can. So here I am in a rush to write this. Babbling about my not so fab day.

I started crying at Chapter 27. I knew I was going to cry ever since Cooper stopped going to the Hospital. I just knew. I stopped reading at 27 as well cause I can't, I can never deal with this type of Stories but I still read it by the end of the day. Which is stupid but... this is what I think keeps me float everyday. Cause this Stories are normal. They're real. They happen to some people. Cancer is real. Feelings are real. Hospitals are real. Love is real. Chemotherapy is an asshole and a class a bitch. This story is real. It's normal.

And I thought in my head while I was wiping my tears, I started hating everything around me again. It made me remember that I need to live cause there are a lot of people dying who wanted to live and here I am sometimes wanted to just disappear and never come back. Idk. That is why this Stories are what I consider normal because they are.

Anyways, going back. I don't think I have anything negative about this because I finished it in 24 hrs. considering I work a nine hour shift and asleep for the next 7 to 8 hours. The writing is awesoom. The Story is top notch. And why is this 750k read?! WHY?! This is my fucking rant every fucking time. Screw Youtube's family content. THIS. IS. NOT. SUPPOSED. TO BE. 750K. READS. I am always down right pissed whenever this kind of writing style is the one that is being pushed in the back just because people never really get how good it is. YES. It's your damn fault. I mean... I'm the bitch here not the Author so please read the Story. Ignore my rant. You'll cry but by the end of the Book you're going to be happy. Why? Because Cancer sucks. Because now I know how people feel why their Family has cancer and has to go through chemo and have to put a stop to their normal life. Because it's an asshole and it sucks. It fucking sucks.

I only wish this was longer. And imagine my shock *spoiler alert* for the plot twist. I cried harder. I only have one question, as an Author of this Stories do you cry while writing this? While thinking about writing it? While writing and proofreading and trying to post it on Wattpad? This is a real question. Not a bluff.

I'd by the buy. I wish it ships in my damn country though. Cause I will. I really need some normal in my life.



9.9 out of 10 (Why am I an asshole? Because I wanted it to be longer. Yes. I fucking demand. It's that damn good of a Story.)


Hey guys! Sorry for the late everything I have been down and down and down because I don't know what to do with my life. Because responsibilities. Because I can still never understand life. So sorry.


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