Story #59: A Touch of Grace

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*Photo Uploaded is the Cover*

AUTHOR: istolethecookiez


Sometimes, guys tease you because they like you; and sometimes, they're just jerks. And in Gracelyn's case, Phoenix is just a jerk. Or at least, she thinks he is.


This is a breath of fresh air. I didn't set any expectation because, well, look at the plot. And this applies the forever rule, Don't judge a Book by its Cover or Plot. Because I did actually love it.

It is the very well definition of, short and sweet and no bs.

In Wattpad, in years of experience, it is very rare, so rare, so much rare to find a Book with little to less to no bs at all. I am very much happy with it.

Actually, the Story wise, like I said, no issues because this is perfect for when you're bored and want to "kilig" (sweet types). Character wise.... no negative comments because there is actually no antagonist that you can comment on that, they're mean or bs stuff.

Again. Just very short, sweet and lovely and I fell inlove with it. But I highly recommend for you to read it. Like I mention, no bs.

Although I wish it was longer or maybe a version with Phoenix's POV? That would be very nice and lovely.


10 our of 10. No bs ladies and gents.


Hello guys! Long time. I was supposed to review last week but I got really sick and have been under the weather this whole week but I though I need and have to do this so here I am.

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