Chapter Seven

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A month passed.

Dan and Phil had stayed in their flat the entire time, except the necessary store runs to grab groceries or new diapers when they ran out. Neither of them had seen any friends or family since they uploaded 'the video'. Things were getting more normal and easier to deal with by the day. Yes, there were about two and a half weeks where the entire internet seemed to be exploding, and their phones never stopped ringing from their friends, but it had began to die down and Dan and Phil were beginning to see some of the calm that they had hoped for from this. They hadn't gone into much detail about their supposed relationship, aside from telling their families over the phone that it wasn't real. They'd tell Louise, Chris, and PJ when the three came over this weekend.

The three friends hadn't stopped nagging Dan and Phil about seeing them, and the two men decided it'd be a good idea to invite them over. They could introduce their friends to Anna who hadn't met anyone aside from her two dads, and Dan and Phil could explain that their relationship wasn't real. The three were coming over on August 16th, the day before Dan and Phil's supposed three year anniversary.

Dan and Phil themselves had grown much closer over the past month, becoming comfortable with each other in a more physical way. They were uploading more joint videos on their gaming channels again, and were always sure to include a few moments of lingering eye contact, put a hand around the other, or throw in a little comment about the other being cute. Their fans ate it up, but then they would let it go after the video, which was new, and the YouTubers were grateful for the change.

Anna was beginning to have a bit more of a personality now that she wasn't such a newborn, and Dan and Phil both absolutely adored her. They found that she loved the color turquoise, and they made sure to buy her tons of turquoise outfits. Dan had found a fascination with putting together adorable outfits for Anna, including dresses with matching bows for her hair, and little cute shoes. Phil watched as box after box was delivered from amazon, containing more and more precious little outfits to dress Anna up in.

Today, Dan had dressed her in an adorable little turquoise dress with tiny blue shoes and a green bow in her hair. She looked like a gradient, blue on the bottom transitioning to green on top, and it was precious. Dan broke their unspoken rule of trying not to share too much of her online, and posted an instagram picture of Phil holding Anna, her looking up in wonder at his face as he booped her on the nose. Phil hadn't been aware there was a picture being taken, and protested Dan posting it at first until his heart melted at how sweet the photo was, and he caved.

Dan wrote out in the caption 'My adorable daughter absolutely mesmerized by Phil who didn't even know the camera was there." He was about to click post, when Phil watched him delete the caption and re-write, "Our adorable daughter absolutely mesmerized by her loving father who didn't even know the camera was there. Yes, they're really that cute even when it's candid. I'm so lucky <3"

Phil smiled as he watched Dan click the button to post the picture, and not for the first time since deciding to tell the fans they were together, he was amazed at how good Dan was at all of this. Sometimes, and he would never admit this to Dan, the brunette would look at him in a certain way, and Phil would forget it was an act for a moment. Just for a split second, he truly would believe that Dan adored him in the way you would adore a boyfriend or girlfriend. Phil tried his best to copy what Dan did, but he knew he wasn't as natural as Dan was.

Phil took a deep breath after the picture was posted, and got out the stroller they had never used before. Today was going to be the first day they took Anna outside. They didn't want to do much, and they didn't want to be anywhere too public where they might get noticed by a fan. They still wanted to try to keep Anna fairly separate from their internet following.

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