Chapter Twenty One

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Phil woke up to the sound of people talking in the house, and shot straight up in bed. Immediately he regretted it, feeling the soreness of his backside. He looked around and saw that Dan wasn't there, so he slowly got out of bed and got dressed, moving gingerly to not strain his aching bottom. When he walked out into the lounge, he saw Dan standing and gesturing towards different things they owned, talking to two large men with clipboards who were taking down notes about everything he said.

When Phil entered, Dan looked over to him and walked over, planting a kiss on Phil's lips and snaking his arm around the older man's hips, turning back to the two strangers.

"This is my boyfriend, Phil. Phil, this is James," Phil shook the first man's hand, "and this is Liam," he shook the other's, "and they're the ones who are going to help us pack up and move. How long is your estimate again?"

"Well, we haven't seen everything yet. But if the rest of the house isn't too big and it's similar to this, we're looking at about a day, day and a half of packing, and then an afternoon of moving, and we can help set up any large furniture on the other side which will take another few hours. So overall, about a two day job." Liam estimated, squinting at his clipboard. Phil's jaw went slightly slack. In just two days they could be living in their new house?

Phil looked up at Dan who's eyes were already trained down on him, a loving expression on his face. Phil melted a bit, and once again reminded himself that he really needed to make a trip to the jewelers. He was beginning to feel sad whenever he called Dan his 'boyfriend' or was called it by Dan. He knew it was silly, and it was a bit sad to him, as that word had made him so happy just months earlier. But Dan was more than his boyfriend, and it felt like such a trivial word to try to express how much Dan meant to him.

"Alright, well let's get packing! Anna's already had breakfast and she's napping, so right now's our time to buckle down and get this done!" Dan said excitedly, and they set to work.

Phil immediately excused himself to go change out of pajamas, but really it was just an excuse to actually throw their duvet in the wash and hide the bottle of lube in a bag of his. He didn't want Liam and James to come in and see that. He then grabbed a granola bar and got to munching as he joined them to begin packing up the lounge. They worked for about six hours, only taking small breaks for snacks or for one of the fathers to entertain Anna as they watched the house get put into boxes.

At about 3pm they ordered a pizza and decided to take a break, Phil pulling Anna into his lap as the four adults settled down to watch an episode or two of 'Friends'. They'd learned that Liam and James both loved the show as well, and it was a nice short show that they could watch on their break, but that would allow them to get back to packing soon.

Of course they decided to choose the episode where they move the sofa, and the four of them belly laughed at Ross shouting "PIVOT! PIVOT! PIVOT!" Over and over again.

"Dan I swear to god if you make that joke when we're moving things tomorrow..." Phil threatened, and Dan shoved his side with his elbow.

"You know I'm going to, and don't even try to act like it won't be hilarious." Phil glared at his boyfriend - still somewhat hating that word - but then he cracked and smiled, leaning against his shoulder, Anna giggling in his arms. Phil realized how grossly couple-y they were being, and looked over at the two movers somewhat worried, but he saw that they were both looking at the family sweetly. He was a bit surprised, these were two large men, and Phil didn't like to judge, but they were definitely the type of people he usually wouldn't be so openly gay around. They seemed like they could be judgemental, or more likely just made uncomfortable by it.

Phil realized just how wrong he had been when Liam looked over to James and raised his eyebrows, asking a question, and then Phil watched as James laced his fingers through Liam's as they sat eating pizza. James looked back over at Dan and Phil, and lightly threatened, "No one else knows, alright? You two seem cool and all, but don't go blabbing." Dan chuckled and shook his head.

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