Chapter Twenty

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***Two months later***

Phil woke up and a rush of excitement passed through him. Today his daughter turned one year old.

"Dan! Dan, get up!" He shook his boyfriend awake, laughing as he watched Dan's annoyed face at being woken up quickly shift to one of excitement as he realized what day it was. Dan pulled Phil in for a hug, and Phil smiled into Dan's shoulder.

"We've done it. We've been parents for a whole year!" Phil said warmly.

"And we will be for the rest of our lives." Dan added, giving Phil a short but sweet kiss before getting off the bed.

"I'm going to go make us some pancakes and get Anna some applesauce, you get her ready?" Dan asked, leaving the room, and Phil got out a new dress he and Dan had bought Anna for her birthday. This dress had ruffles for the skirt which alternated turquoise and black, and Phil loved it because it was like the combination of him and Dan. When he woke Anna up to put the dress on her, she grinned and clapped her hands in excitement.

"Pill!" She exclaimed, grabbing at the dress as he put it over her head, and then scooped her up to bring her to the kitchen. He leaned against the counter with her in his arms, and watched Dan with her.

"That's your other daddy. His name is Dan. Can you say Dan?"

"Dada!" Anna smiled, and Phil laughed. He felt warm and happy, and he was surrounded by his beautiful family.

So what if there had been some drama around Dan in the news lately? So what if things had gone awfully with Michelle and Anna may never truly have a mother? She had the two most loving fathers in the world, and if she ever needed a woman's advice as she grew up she always had her grandmas and Louise. Phil had been worrying recently about not being good enough, but standing here with his family, this warm feeling flooding through him, he knew that this was family, and that everything was going to be okay.

These thoughts reminded Phil of another thing he'd been thinking of lately. This was his family and he knew it would be forever... and he knew that sometime soon he was going to have to make a trip to the jewelers to pick out that special band of metal that would change his life.

He wanted to be married to Dan. He knew Dan would say yes, he just wanted the proposal to be absolutely perfect, and he hadn't been able to think of the perfect way to do it yet. He didn't want to get the ring until he had a plan, because he knew that once he had it, he wouldn't be able to wait and he'd end up doing some sort of rushed and messy proposal. Phil knew that in the end it really didn't matter, but to him it did, and he wanted it to be the best it could be for Dan because he deserved it.

Phil realized he'd been zoning out a bit while thinking of all of this when Dan bopped him on the head with a spatula.

"Earth to Philly, help me bring the food to the table?" Dan grinned, and Phil shook off his thoughts, placing Anna in her highchair at the table, returning to the kitchen to give Dan a peck, and then carrying the pancakes and syrup to the table. Dan followed with some applesauce in a bowl with a blueberry placed decoratively in the middle, and a floppy white stick that nearly made Phil gag.

"Dan, don't tell me you're trying to force feed our daughter cheese! What if she's inherited my taste buds, that's child abuse!" Phil protested, and Dan laughed at him.

"Actually, I gave her some the other day and she loves it. Sorry, Phil, your daughter likes string cheese." Phil made a choking sound, but smiled when he saw Anna's face light up at the food in front of her.

They ate breakfast, and the two men spent most of the meal just watching their daughter lovingly, touching feet under the table. The morning passed lazily, and around noon Dan and Phil began setting up.

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