Chapter Eight

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The next morning Dan stayed at home with Anna so that Phil could run to the grocery store and pick up some things for tonight, when Louise, PJ, and Chris were coming over. He was walking through the isles, picking up some snack foods and wine, when he heard it. A small whisper between two girls a little ways down the isle from him, but close enough that he could hear their excited squeals.

"Oh my god is that AmazingPhil?"

"I think is! Oh my god he's so cute!"

"You go talk to him!"

"No, you go talk to him!"

Phil sighed, turning away from the girls and walking down the isle, hoping he could escape this encounter. He generally loved meeting fans, and he felt guilty to be so nervous and uninterested in meeting these girls, but this would be the first time he'd run into fans after Anna and after 'coming out' with Dan, and frankly he was terrified. Of course, he didn't get out of the isle before he heard a nervous voice behind him.

"Phil?" He turned to see the two girls, both probably around fourteen years old, with huge smiles on their faces. He allowed his face to relax into a smile as well, reminding himself that this was bound to happen, and to just take deep breaths.

"Hi!" he responded enthusiastically.

"My name's Sarah and this is Beth, and we watch your videos and it's so amazing to get to meet you!"

"It's nice to meet you too. Do you want to take a picture?" The girls squealed in excitement as Phil took a phone from each of them, one after the other, posing with his arm around their shoulders. He handed them their phones back, and prepared to say a quick goodbye and leave.

"So... how's Dan?" Beth spoke for the first time, and there was something in the way she said the question that seemed dirty, and Phil flushed. He decided that might be good, and allowed the blush to creep across his cheeks.

"He's good. He's home with Anna right now." Phil stopped there, but then thought 'what would Dan do?' he remembered how Dan had reworded his caption on that Instagram photo, and decided he had to take that extra step as well. "Things have been great lately, actually. We were so worried for so long about telling people, but I think it's been one of the best decisions we've ever made. Next to choosing to keep Anna, of course."

He smiled, because he felt guilty lying to his fans, and technically none of that was a lie. Things had been great, and he did think it was a good decision to tell the fans they were together. Okay, so maybe they hadn't been worried for a long time about telling people, but they had been worried about watching how they acted around each other in case people got the wrong idea, and that was close enough, right? And of course nothing was a better decision Phil had ever made than the one to keep Anna.

"You are all so cute I can't wait to see Anna in a video!" Sarah exclaimed, and Phil smiled.

"Yeah, I don't know how soon that will be, but we'll keep the Insta photos coming I think. Hey, I've really gotta go, Dan and I are hosting a little get together tonight as a pre-anniversary party, and Dan's waiting on me to bring back the food. It was really great meeting you though!" The girls squealed and congratulated Phil on three years, walking away and talking together excitedly, shooting looks back at Phil.

He sighed in relief, making his way to the checkout. That had gone much better than he expected. He bought the food and alcohol, then took a taxi back to the flat.

When he opened the door he could hear Anna crying, and even though he knew that Dan would be helping her, his pace quickened until she was within his line of sight. His worries were quickly calmed when he walked into the living room to see Dan bouncing her lightly as she calmed down, a Winnie the Pooh children's book at his side. Phil smiled at them, and walked over to give Dan a small but warm half-hug before going into the kitchen to put things away.

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