Chapter Ten

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The next day was hell.

Dan and Phil were both exhausted after getting not a wink of sleep the night before, and today was the day that Anna chose to stop being such a quiet, calm baby, and instead screamed her head off for hours on end. They had some earplugs in the house, and around noon Phil had emotionally exhausted himself from the day previous, and Dan suggested he use the earplugs and try to get in a nap while Dan tried to soothe Anna. Phil fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow, and when he woke up he had no idea how much time had passed. Checking his phone and reading 4:15, Phil panicked a bit, but the house was quiet so he figured that was a good sign. He rolled to his side in Dan's bed, and saw a note on the end table.


Anna's nose was running really badly and then she threw up, so I'm taking her to hospital just to make sure everything's alright. You looked so peaceful sleeping, and I know you needed the rest, so I didn't wake you. I know you're probably mad at me for not waking you up, but trust me we'll be okay. If you want to come, just text me and I'll have my phone on and you can come meet us at hospital.

Love, Dan

Phil immediately scrambled for his phone. Dan had been right, he was mad. Anna was going to hospital because she might be sick for the first time, and Dan hadn't even bothered to wake him? The voice in the back of Phil's head reminded him that there probably wasn't anything he could have done that Dan wasn't able to do himself, but Phil ignored it, choosing to be mad at his best friend. Phil typed out a message hurriedly as he raced down the steps to the pavement.

(4:19) Phil: what room are you in

Phil knew that Dan would pick up on his lack of punctuation or capitalization. While that was normal for Dan, Phil was an English major and his texts were always conventionally correct. He hoped it would tip Dan off that he was angry. His anger only got worse as he hailed a taxi and made it all the way to the hospital without a response. He went into the A&E ward, and looked around. He made his way to reception and gave them his name and Dan and Anna's names, and the woman directed him to room 118. He made his way there.

When he arrived outside of the room, he felt his anger at Dan melt slightly, as he looked in the window. Anna was on a small bed, and a doctor was sitting with her, a small monitor on her chest. Dan was slumped in a chair, sound asleep. Phil's anger almost entirely evaporated as he watched his friend, happy that he was getting rest. Honestly, what Dan had done wasn't all that bad, he left a note, and Phil may have done the same if he had been in Dan's shoes. Honestly, he should be thanking his friend. First he allowed Phil to get some much needed sleep, and then when things went south he brought their daughter to the hospital and made sure to tell Phil all about what happened. Now Phil was just feeling guilty and lazy for not taking care of more today.

He made his way into the room, and the doctor looked up at him. The man's eyes glanced towards Dan, then back at Phil and he mouthed 'Phil?' to which Phil nodded. He liked this doctor already, letting Dan sleep. He made his way over to the chair next to Dan's, and leaned against his friend's shoulder. The doctor looked up at them with a small smile, and whispered as he explained the current status.

"She's fine, just a small cold. Gonna prescribe some medicine that you'll just mix in with her formula for three days or so. Honestly I'm not doing anything now, he just seemed exhausted when I got here and I don't have any other patients right now, so I figured I'd wait as long as I could and keep an eye on this one so he could get some sleep. She's got beautiful eyes, by the way." Phil smiled.

"What's your name?" he asked the doctor.

"Trent Rothsberg." he responded, and Phil made a mental note to request Trent anytime they had to come back in the future.

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