Chapter Seventeen

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The next two days passed in a blur of sex and sand and ocean and exotic flavored drinks. It was incredible, but by the time they were packing for the airport, they were both very ready to return home.

"Do you think she'll have said another word?" Dan asked, nervous.

"No... I hope not at least. Or started to walk on her own." Phil tried to reassure them both, but he was just as worried that they may have missed one of Anna's big first moments.

"I miss her, Phil. We're never leaving again." Phil knew that this was an empty promise, but right now he understood and felt the same. They made their way to the airport and onto the plane. The flight was long and choppy, and while they were both used to flying because of their jobs and turbulence didn't generally get to either of them, they were both clinging to each other for dear life by the end of this flight, hearts pounding in fear.

When they landed and boarded the train to Phil's mums, turning their phones off Airplane Mode, Dan remarked that he had gotten a missed call from a number he didn't know.

"Did they leave a voicemail?" Phil asked, wondering if it could be a prank call from another YouTuber.

"Yeah... here one second." Dan began listening to the voicemail, and his eyes went slightly wide, nodding a bit as he listened. Eventually he clicked his phone off and put it back in his pocket.

"That was a hospital. Nightingale Hospital." Phil nodded, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion, because the Nightingale Hospital was a clinic in London that housed people with serious mental illnesses. Why would they be calling Dan? His question was answered as Dan continued, "Michelle is there. Apparently she's been there since the day after she came to our house... They've had her on intensive watch, not allowed to see anyone other than her caretakers, but now she wants to see us and they think it might be a good idea for her to talk to people she used to know. Apparently she has intense schizophrenia, depression, anxiety, and they're pretty sure she's bipolar." Phil felt the air leave his chest at the amount of things on that list.

They were silent for a moment, absorbing that information, before Phil spoke. "Do you want to go see her?"

"I don't know. I mean yes, I feel like we have to. I'm just... I'm nervous."

"Me too. It'll be okay though. Hopefully she's getting the help she needs and she'll be better. Maybe they'll even release her soon."

"Maybe." Dan agreed, but Phil could tell his boyfriend didn't believe that she'd be getting let out anytime soon.

"Alright, well we can think about all of that tomorrow, for now we're almost at my mums and we're about to get to see our daughter again." Phil got he want from this comment, Dan's expression changing from one of stress and worry to one of excitement and love. Dan pulled Phil in for a tight hug.

"I can't wait for us all to be together again. Lah-uv!" Dan mimicked Anna's first word, reminding Phil of the day they had left, and he felt a grin spread across his face.

They made it to Phil's mums, and when she opened the door holding Anna, Phil could have sworn his daughter had grown in just four days. Dan took their daughter from his mom, Phil coming to stand in front of him and look down at their baby who giggled up at them.

"She missed you." Phil's mum remarked from the doorway.

"We missed her." Phil responded, not taking his eyes off his baby for a second.

"Do you boys want to come inside for some food? I made some chicken if you'd like." Dan and Phil both nodded and came into the house, still fawning over their baby, playing with her little feet and asking her if she missed her daddies. When they settled down to eat, they brought her crib to right between their seats so she could see both of them as they ate.

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