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(miya's p.o.v)

It was almost time for Kate's gender reveal and Carl's welcome home party. Everyone was already here except Fiona, Kev, and Vee and we were waiting for them to get here before we cut the cake.

I was pouring drinks into cups when Lip walked into the kitchen and accidently bumped into me. I spilled some of the soda on my shirt.

"Shit," I said under my breathe, grabbing a towel and trying to wipe some of the soda off.

"Oh, shit. Sorry, Mi," Lip said putting an arm on my shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm just gonna go change real quick," I said. I set the soda down and jogged up the stairs, into my room.

I pulled a plain, white t-shirt out of my dresser and put it on. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. When I turned off the water I heard someone walking up the steps. I peeked into the hallway and saw Carl.

"Hey," he said, "I was just gonna use the bathroom."

"Sure, just let me dry my hands real quick," I said. I dried my hands off with a towel that was hanging on a rack and began to walk out.

"I'm just an old friend now," Carl asked out of no where.

"What," I asked confused, even though I know exactly what he's talking about.

"You told your boyfriend that I was just an old friend," he said, disappointment in his voice.

"What was I supposed to say, Carl," I bit the inside of my cheek.

"I just thought we were something more."

"We were. Carl, we haven't talked in over a year. You never wrote back."

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't have time to sit and write letters all day," he snapped, catching me off guard a little. I scoffed and began to walk downstairs but he grabbed my arm, stopping me. "I'm sorry, Mi. I didn't mean to get angry with you." I pushed his hand off me.

"Whatever, welcome home," I turned around and walked back downstairs where I was greeted by Fiona and Vee.

"Hey, guys. Where's Kev," I asked.

"He's closing up the bar. He didn't want Kate to have to wait on him. He'll be here later," Vee explained, setting down a case of beer on the kitchen counter.

"You look cute," Fiona said, twirling one of my braids in her hair.

"Thanks," I said, giving her a smile.

"Okay, let's cut this cut," Vee said, grabbing my hand and pulling me over to the kitchen table where the cake was sat, along with everyone else.

"Where's Carl," Kate asked.

"Right here," Carl responded as he walked into the kitchen from upstairs.

"Okay, you guys ready," Kate asked as she picked up the knife. Lip stood behind her, one hand on her waist, the other holding the same hand with the knife. We all nodded and I clapped my hands. They slid the knife into the cake and cut a piece, only to reveal pink frosting.

"Yes," I cheered in excitement as I threw my fist up in the air and did a little dance. "I'm gonna have a niece," I bragged. I ran over and hugged Kate and Lip both as everyone clapped their hands and congratulated them. Kate continued to cut the cake and hand out pieces. I took mine and sat down next to Lip.

"So, have you picked out any names, yet," I asked him.

"Eh, Kate likes the name Hannah. But, I like Rosaline," he told me.

"Rosaline is a pretty name. Rosaline Gallagher, that has a little something to to it," I said, recieving a smile from him.

"See, Kate, Miya likes the name Rosaline, too," Lip bragged.

"I never said I didn't like the name. I just said I like Hannah more," Kate explained.

"Why, though? I think you should name her Rosaline. It's a beautiful name," I told her. She looked back and forth from me to Lip.

"I'll think about it, but no promises," she said taking a bite of her cake.

"You kill me," I said, rolling my eyes and turning away. My phone started vibrating on the kitchen counter and I could see from where I was sitting that Jason was calling. I set my cake down and went to answer my phone. I slid my thumb over the screen and put my phone up to my ear.

"Hey, Jase," I answered. "What's up?"

"Hey, I was wondering you're doing tonight," he asked.

"Uh, Kate had a gender reveal party for the family and we decided to have Carl's welcome home party, too," I explained.

"Carl? Are you guys like family for something," it was obvious that he knew we weren't family. But, he asked anyways.

"Uh, not exactly. Our families are close. I mean, his bother is the father of my sister's baby."

"Oh, shit. I didn't know he was Lip's brother."

"Ha, yeah," I wasn't really interested in talking to him right now. I mean, I really like Jason and all, I mean he's my boyfriend, duh. But, I just wanted to get back to the party.

"Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to come over," he asked.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't find out about the party until Debbie and I got home. But, Dom is having a party Friday. Do you wanna go with me?"

"Uh, sure. Whatever."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Well, you just seem mad. That's all."

"Well I'm not. I gotta go. Bye," and with that he hung up the phone. I furrowed my eyebrows at the screen.

"What the fuck," I whispered under my breathe. I just rolled my eyes, put my phone in my pocket, and sat back down next to Lip. Sometimes, Jason can be really confusing.

We continued to talk about baby names. I could feel Carl's eyes on me the whole time and I had to fight the urge not look his way.

I've got to admit, I still have feelings for him. But, I can't remember how to feel those feelings anymore. I don't really know how to describe it. Maybe it's because I'm with Jason and I'm not letting myself feel those feelings I have for Carl the way I used to.

God, I confuse myself.


a/n: hey guys! i hope you like the cake pic at the top😂 i thought it was perfect lol. anyways, i'm gonna start doing like instagram posts/text messages/ dms/ social media shit just to make it more interesting. I'm might do an instagram post next, not sure yet.

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