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(miya's p.o.v)

It's suprisingly warm outside this morning. So, I decided to wear some black pants and a grey tank top. I kept my curled hair and did a little make up. My stomach growled and I decided to eat some breakfast for once. I went downstairs and noticed there was still some cake left.

That's suprising, I thought to myself. I cut myself a piece and sat down at the kitchen table. I decided to scroll a little through instagram. I saw that Jason posted a picture.


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jasfol: off guard 🤙🏼 pc: my baby (@mhenderson)

mhenderson: total hottie😩

jasfol: who? me? 😬 @mhenderson

mhenderson: no, the car 😍

jasfol: oh, ikr 🙄 @mhenderson

I smiled at his reply and got up to put my plate in the sink since I was done. I ran back upstairs to grab my bookbag, headphones, and shoes. Once, I put my bookbag and shoes on, I put my headphones in my ears and turned on my music. Elastic Heart by Sia came on. I love this song so much. I don't really know why considering that I mostly like rap. But, my taste veries.

I finally got a text from Debbie.

Debs💞: let's gooooooo

Miya🤘🏼: okayyyyyyy

I sent the message just as I walked out the door.

"You know, you're really slow," she said, leaning on the front gate.

"That's not what she said," I joked. She scoffed and rolled her eyes as we began our walk to school.

"Oh, so now you're into girls? Maybe you should have a talk with Jason about that." I just rolled my eyes at her, like I always do, and continued walking.

I bopped my head along to the next song that began to play, Don't Tell 'Em by Jeremih. It's an old song, but I still love it.

"Hey, babes," I here someone call from behind us. Debbie and I both turned around at the same time to see Ash running behind us.

"Hey, jerk face. How come you didn't show up for the first day of school," I said as I ruffled his hair.

"Eh, didn't feel like coming," he shrugged and held onto the straps of his bookbag. "I'm sort of a rebel."

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