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(miya's p.o.v)

"Let's go dance," I slurred. I tugged on his hand but he just stared at me in shock of what just happened. "Are you going to come dance with me or do I have to find someone else?" He quickly set his beer down and hopped off the counter, following me into the living room where everyone was dancing.

Confident by Justin Bieber was playing. I moved my hips to the beat. Carl didn't exactly know what he was doing. I got closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. My eyes met two people behind Carl. Jason and a different slut than the one that was on the stairs. I quickly turned around so my back was to both Carl and Jason and soon enough we were grinding. We grinded until the song ended and I could feel Jason's eyes burning holes in my back.

Honestly, I feel proud of myself. Not because I'm using Carl to make Jason jealous. But, because I came in here with confidence. I know that when I get back to school Monday, everyone is goning to think the rumors are true. How could they not, though? I'm literally rubbing my ass against Carl's thigh.

As the song faded out and another came on, I turned around with a proud smile on my face. Carl still looked shocked. Maybe this is all too soon for him at the moment. Maybe I should give him a break. I took his hand and starting making my way back to the kitchen but someone's hand stopped me.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Miya," Jason yelled over the music. "We haven't been broken up for 24 hours yet and you're already on the dance floor, grinding with him?" I chuckled at his words. Is he seriously coming at me for grinding on Carl, when he had some girl on his lap with his tongue down her throat.

"Why are you coming at me? You're the one sticking your tongue done these sluts' throat and you're getting pissed at me for having a good time with my ex," I regretted what I said right after I said it. I forgot that I never told Jason Carl was my ex. His heated face turned into disbelief.

"So, you lied to me as well? I thought you were better than that, Miya," his last words were soft, but hurtful. I am better than this, I know I am. But, I can't let his words stop me from proving whatever point have to prove here. I pushed passed him, Carl's hand still intertwined with mine. I grabbed the whole bottle of vodka and began to chug it down.

"Woah, Miya," Carl said, trying to stop me, "Miya, I think that's enough." I continued to chug, until I felt a little dizzy. "Seriously, that's enough put the fucking vodka down." He snatched the bottle away from me and set it down. "What the hell has gotten into you?" I could hear the frustration in his voice.

"If you don't want to hang out with me, that's fine. That's fucking fine. Just leave. You've done a perfectly good job of that before. You know, I don't want people around me who make me feel unwanted," I said as began to walk away. But, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

"Hey, I didn't mean to leave like that and you know it. You're not unwanted when you're with me, I promise you that. You've just been acting totally different since I got back. You're just not the person you were before I left," he said.

"Well, Carl, people change. Especially when you haven't seen them in almost two fucking years," I let my anger take over my words and I could feel the alcohol beginning to kick in.

"You're right and I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry I never came back to see you for holidays or your birthday. I'm a fucking asshole for that," his words hit me like a truck. If anyone is the asshole here, it's me. I'm the asshole because look at what I'm doing? I'm using him to make my ex boyfriend jealous for what? Nothing, that's for what. Drinking with, grinding, and kissing Carl will only make the rumors with him become more true. But, I feel like I just can't stop now.

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